Monthly Totem: Spirit Guide of the Month is the Bee

Jul 5, 2021 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Pagan Me Happy, Personal, Redefining Perfect

Once a month I’ll be posting a new Spirit Guide*. This is both for me to study and learn, but also to help inspire each month.

This month the animal has been creeping into my awareness. I’ve been super drawn to it in different ways unlike I’ve never been before.

The Bee.

These fascinating, and helpful creatures, are an oddity. Aerodynamically, they shouldn’t be able to fly – yet they do. They persevere and bend the laws of nature to fly about, pollinating everything in sight.

Bees speak to productivity, but also finding time for leisure. They tell you to examine your priorities, see if you are overextended, burning out. Or maybe you’re the opposite, lethargic and completely burned out.

The bee teaches balance in your life. Work, play, socialization, spirituality, it also has to all be in proportion.

I did not realize why bee came to me so aggressively until I looked it up.

I was completely overextended – overworked and over-brained. With working full time, and going to school full time, barely time for homework, much less family or fun.

I knew I was in trouble when I got done with 18 days of vacation and didn’t feel refreshed and ready to get back to work, but dreading the idea of stepping into my place of employment.

Before dipping into the meaning of the spirit guide calling me, I had reassessed my priorities and turned in my notice at work.

I was trying to do it all, and I just flat out could not.

In the past few weeks I have had time to stop and “smell the roses” like my bee guides do on a daily basis. My schoolwork has improved, and my health has improved.

There are fears, but I trust in my bee guides message of miracles and perseverance.  The next six months will still be difficult, but I’m ready to stick it out and get this task of finishing school done…and to get back to the business of better grades than I was suffering through before.

So thank you, bee…for the message I didn’t even realize you were speaking, but guided me anyway.

What animal is speaking to you this month?  Do they have lessons for you?  



*Disclaimer: I use the term Spirit Animal with deepest respect to the Indigenous people.  I have been studying under an amazing, powerful indigenous woman and I respect their beliefs in the highest. I use the term with much honor, and not as a joke or meme. I truly believe these animals come as messengers for me, and try to learn under them. Miigwetch.


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