Breastfeeding is not Obscene!

Nov 28, 2007 | Uncategorized

This was brought to my attention through blog browsing over at Michele’s Sparks & Butterflies…and I felt the need to pass it on!

The all-mighty YouTube has become as ignorant as other sites, removing a video that the LMJ put up in honor of breastfeeding.

Incidences like this make breastfeeding seem obscene and disgusting. To a young mother like I once was, it makes the nature of feeding your child uncomfortable!! I, personally, breastfed my oldest and my middle child, but not my third. I don’t care either way if you did or not…I more care that we are made to feel vile for doing something so simple when, as others have pointed out, videos of starlets and not-so-starlets shaking their bits are left up as “enjoyment”. Why not give others the ability to decide if they want to watch a video that is no more vile (in fact, less so) than a stripper dancing for dollars.

Breastfeeding my first was uncomfortable for me in public. I hid in back rooms, nursed in a changing room, in a bathroom, threw blankets over him and lowered my eyes in shame. I knew it was natural and reveled in breastfeeding him at home…but in public I suddenly felt…like everyone was looking down at me.

Seven years later I was able to try again. This time without shame I whipped open for my beautiful little girl…in a restaurant, on a park bench, in the middle of the mall. I didn’t let myself feel the disdain seething from some people’s eyes…simply reveled in the love coming from my daughter’s. I breastfed her until I couldn’t any longer (due to medical issues)…and now regret giving it up when I did because I didnt HAVE to after all…I just had a stupid pediatrician. I did NOT breastfeed my last (for multiple reasons), but if it had…it would have been the same.

Breastfeeding should not be shameful. We should not be embarassed for taking care of our children. Whether we breast or bottle feed we shouldn’t allow STRONG mothers who make the CHOICE to breastfeed feel any less of a person, or a member of society for doing so.

Mother’s, step out of the bathroom stalls and changing rooms. Breastfeed your child without shame. And help the LMJ get their video on TO STAY!!

(the following suggestions copied from the LMJ website):

1. Email congressional reps (link to – enter your zip, and it returns all three addresses/home pages for your location) and Parliament members (link to – enter your postal code, and it returns addresses/home pages of Parliament members) and ask them to tell YouTube/Google that removal of the video is socially and legally unacceptable.

2. Create a short video (not breastfeeding) that is tagged and titled “Message to YouTube” (feel free to include any other tags, including League of Maternal Justice, Breastfeeding, Health, etc). and tell them what you think about this. Tell them that breastfeeding is NOT obscene

*Updated: We’re going to reload our video (with new music) in the next few days. If you want, hold your Messages to YouTube and you can make them as replies to our Montage! (Thanks Jenn)

YouTube is calling for these videos and we’re more than happy to oblige. Make sure to send us your YouTube video link!

3. Write a post and include these same directions on your own blogs and send us the permalinks (or leave them in the comments).

4. Return to the LMJ call to action post (where permalinks will be linked up) and post/vote for others’ posts on bookmarking sites.

5. Submit our press release to online media outlets and social bookmarking sites (Reddit, Stumbleupon, etc.), get your message boards involved, send to your local reporters, or any national news contacts.


1 Comment

  1. motherbumper

    Great post and thank you for supporting the League 🙂


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