Hump Day Hook – Eve’s New Year

Jun 18, 2013 | Books, Holiday, Hump Day Hook, Writing

EveAnother Hump Day Hook!

This weekend I submitted the next story in my Holidays in Lake Point series.  Eve’s New Year. Just like Santa, Maybe, this one surprised me in so many ways.  I so enjoyed getting to know Eve and Jake it was tough to let them go…and I was only able to because I know they’ll continue appearing in other stories as side characters.

So without further ado, please meet Eve and her best friend (or is he?), Jake:

“Where are they?” She grasped along the bottom of her purse, until the force of her own reaching hand shoved the purse to the ground. “Damn it.”

“Easy, babe.” He hugged her and kissed her temple. “Breathe.”

“Sorry.” She closed her eyes and leaned into his shoulder. “She’s not even bad yet.”

“No, but I heard what you said. We just have to hope that she forgets for a while longer. That her preparations are distraction enough. Okay?”


“That’s my girl.”



Hump Day Hook asks authors to post one paragraph of one of their stories, whether a WIP, one contracted, or already published.  Please visit and comment on the participants – you might just stumble on the next great read for your library!  To see more participants, click on the HDH banner below:



  1. Naomi

    Sounds exciting.But will she be distracted enough with the preparations to remember? Great hook

  2. Vallory Vance

    Great hook! Who is she? Why does she need to forget for a little longer? I got excited reading the excerpt.

  3. Kerrianne Coombes

    Hmmmm? Nice dialogue x Intrigued x

  4. Cassandra Dean

    Wonderful hook – love that he calms her 🙂

  5. Ellen Cross

    Need to know more of this one! Great hook!


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