Monthly Totem: Spirit Animal of the Month is the Owl

Once a month I’ll be posting a new Spirit Animal*. This is both for me to study and learn, but also to help inspire each month.

This month the animal made itself known to me at work shortly before the chaos of the pandemic, and has remained with quiet nightly reminders around my home while we isolate.

The Owl.

I’ve often liked the idea of owls.  Shortly after we moved in to this home I decided that I wanted owls for my kitchen decor. I haven’t gotten far with that, but we’re getting there. Still, in all of my life I don’t believe I’ve ever seen one in the wild. I’ve seem images, videos, and at maybe a zoo situation?

Then while on break at work a few weeks back I heard the almost cliche hooting of an owl. I stopped short, and spun in a circle to try to find him. No luck, so I continued to my car.  The bird, after a few more hoots, took flight right by me and over the hospital until it disappeared into the night.  Since then, I’ve heard semi-regular hooting around my home in the evenings.

Owls serve to deliver many different messages, but upon research, I chose to focus on several messages that spoke directly to me and where I’m at.

Owls can see in the dark, see beyond the shadows.  Owl guides help you see beyond a person’s facade or mask. If they’re deceiving you, you’ll have the clarity to see beyond the lies, to see the person underneath.

Owls are a large symbol of change. When I first saw him, I didn’t know what changes were coming, but whoa did they come. Owl guides help you find the opportunities in the changes. To see the light at the end of the tunnel, as it were.  This gives you the chance to find something good to focus on, some way to make it through. Owl medicine allows you great insight for yourself and others. It helps you intuit deeper meaning in events such as we’re all living through now.

This month, through a lot of inner and outer work, Owl has helped me gain an appreciation for the little things in my life.  I had some nights at work where I was sent home early, but I didn’t allow it to upset me as I had in the past.  This wasn’t a targeted attack, I knew that many of our staff were facing cut hours. My check would be shorter, but I was still getting one, and blessedly so is my husband. Things could be so much work. I appreciated the little bit of extra sleep and study time. I worked when I could, and looked for the small blessings in all that I could.

I have been finding a nice, deeper peace these days.  I faced a year of struggle with this move. While life isn’t perfect, it was especially rough for a while.  Today I embrace owl medicine and let its many lessons wash over me.  Including the lesson to sit in silence, and observe. Changes are still happening, and will continue to do so. I need to remember to sit in silence and observe and learn, rather than reacting.

What animal is speaking to you this month?  Do they have lessons for you?  



*Disclaimer: I use the term Spirit Animal with deepest respect to the Indigenous people.  I have been studying under an amazing, powerful indigenous woman and I respect their beliefs in the highest. I use the term with much honor, and not as a joke or meme. I truly believe these animals come as messengers for me, and try to learn under them. Miigwetch.

I Am Grateful…

As part of my Oola journey, I’m making an effort to be more grateful.  My daily planner has a place specifically labeled for Gratitude. I’d like to spread some of that love here, too.  I feel it’s especially important these days when things seem so…weird.

I am grateful for –

All under one roof.


2 week vacations.

Acing my finals.

New semesters.

New boss.



New ventures.

New words.

Old stories with new life.

New yarn.

The Instant Pot. (seriously, how did I go so long without it?)


Blogging again (hello, lovelies).

Take out.

Cooking in.


Snuggly cat.


Peace in chaos.



Posts I Love

Right now, we all need a little happy. A little weird. A little heartfelt sharing.  So many of these things can be found in blog posts around the web.  I’ve gathered a few of my favorites out of the past month-ish. So, without further ado, onto the sharing!


For some practical tips, my friend Cherie provided, as always. She is, after all, the Queen of Free.

First, is some Grocery Store Alternatives for when the shelves are bare and you still need things.

Second, are some great Quick, Easy Household and Baking Substitutions since, you know, we aren’t supposed to go out very often and a ‘quick run’ to the store is frivolous for real.


Next, Casey came back to bat at her fabulous blog Moosh in Indy, with some great tips and links to patterns for the ever important Mask Making in these new and wild times.


My friend Tony, who is ever Geeking in Indiana, came up with a GREAT solution for those of us missing out on conventions, and the sales at those conventions. And online-con. Called the Geeking@Home Con 2020…it’s a great way to find some wonderful geeky things you knew (or never knew) you needed!  Help support some small businesses by clicking over.


Mama Kat boldly posted about the things she’s buying during quarantine.  I’ve definitely been dipping into the online shopping myself and it’s great to see I’m not alone…by any means.


Matt is all of us in his Life in the Fishbowl…never more so than now during quarantine…and even MORE when he expounds on the 25 things he should be doing instead of writing this blog post. I’m with ya Matt…hardcore (even though writing blog posts was on my to-do list for today for reals).


Linda posted about a miniature home she finished during quarantine…that she thought she wouldn’t finish until it was all over. It’s a little bitter, a little sweet, look at what we imagined vs. what is really happening.


And always giving us a little laughter and a lot of creep…is The Bloggess.  Apparently the Yorkshire museum posted about the creepiest item they had, and asked what people had in their homes.  Jenny, as always, took it to the next level…find her twitter thread of creepiness through her blog post The Creepiest Tour of my House.


That’s it for now. I’m keeping my eye out for more.

If you think I missed YOURS, let me know in a comment here!  I’d love to find some new feeds for my reader!





Spread a Little Love & Kindness

It’s been a rough month for us all. Isolation and quarantine sounds good in theory, but the reality is overwhelming to so many.  I have been battling depression, as has my husband, and so many of my friends. We’re trying to keep upbeat and positive in a world gone mad.

In response, a friend of mine started a group on Facebook she’s called “Kindness Club”.  We all have wish lists on Amazon and we share happy posts, recipes, and general kindness….and we use those lists to send each other happy mailings.  It can be something as little as a couple of bucks, or something bigger. Whatever we can spare to give each other a little cheer.

It’s been an amazing experience, and it got me thinking on other ways to spread a little love and kindness.

Animal Shelters, charities, they all have wish lists too.  So I’ve pulled up several of my favorite places, and found their wish lists and plan on donating something to each of them…whether in cash or something off of their wish list.  It makes me feel good to do something nice and give someone else some cheer in their mail.

Here’s my current list, and I encourage you to click one of these links, or to find your own favorite charity and see how you can help today. Even the smallest donation is appreciated more than you know.

  1. Southside Animal Shelter in Indianapolis.  They have been on my feed for a long time, and even though I’m no longer in the Indy area, I still want to support them.  They have two ways to help, cash donations and an Amazon Wish List.  CLICK HERE to help out.
  2. Humane Society of Marion County.  This one is here in Florida.  I really, really want to help them out by fostering, but my husband would kill me.  Instead, I’m perusing their Amazon Wish List for something to donate.
  3. Give Kids the World Village. This place means the world to my family and so many others.  It’s, unfortunately, closed right now due to the pandemic…but they create magical experiences for so very many people.  They don’t have an amazon wish list, but they do have a wish list on their site. CLICK HERE to find it (they are called “in kind” donations).  You can also find a few other ways to help out on their site.  For more information on how they impact families, check out my story, or my friend Matt’s story.
  4. Misty Eyes Animal Center.  This is where we got our girl, Ripley (her story HERE).  They’re a wonderful organization and I’m happy to support them in some small way through their Amazon Wish List.
  5. Make A Wish.  Oh, how amazing they are.  Thanks to them we went to Disney/Universal (Twice!), and realized it was our dream to move to Florida. I even volunteered at the Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky branch for a while (until it was time to move).  Our kids got to experience some real magic thanks to their Wishes.  They have SO MANY ways to donate.  Airline miles, car rentals, hotel points…and in-kind donations.  You can find all of the amazing ways to donate HERE.
  6. Black Pine Animal Sanctuary.  For all of you Tiger King fans…I hope you’ve learned that places like that are actually horrible for these majestic animals.  Places like Black Pine are a sanctuary for animals rescued from people like him, and many other horrible situations.  They have lions, and tigers, and bears (oh my!)…as well as a great variety of others such as foxes, wolves, galagos, parrots, turtles, an alligator, and so many others.  I was fortunate enough to visit this place on my big 40th birthday weekend. It’s beautiful and all they do is amazing.  They have several ways to donate from several different sources (including Amazon). You can find them all HERE.

I hope something in my list inspires you.  If you want, just reach out to a friend and see if they have a wish list.

Inspiring each other, and spreading love & kindness….it will help us get through this. Together.

Do you have any charities you can recommend for giving? These are all dear to me, but I’m always open to suggestions!

I’m Okay, You’re Okay…i.e. We’re All Mad Here

I honestly had no idea what day it was today.

Had a minor panic attack thinking I had to work tomorrow (I don’t), and that we were already on Wednesday and I’d done nothing. NOTHING.

I have finals in less than two weeks.

My adult child is living under our roof again (temporarily).

I haven’t been to Disney since February (and I’m officially going to miss my first ever Flower and Garden Festival that I’ve been so excited to see)

I work in health care…and my floor is the Covid floor.

Hubby’s job has been declared an “essential business”, but if they don’t make sales, then they may not stay open.

The girls are both succeeding, and failing, at the homeschool thing…it’s a total yo-yo day to day.

I have 2 kids in the “danger zone” due to their Cystic Fibrosis (atypical though their cases may be) – and I work on THE floor.

I can’t do normal grocery shopping because everyone else is panic shopping.

But it’s okay. We’re all okay. 

Right now we are making it by just fine.

We’re all healthy.

My family back in Indiana is still healthy. My family in Buffalo is still healthy.

My eldest is reading a book (WHAT?).

Birthday gifts for our apocalypse birthday girls have been purchased.

I’m baking bread (this is a pre-apocalypse thing I haven’t done since Indiana), and desserts, and making soups.

I’m crafting. I’m writing.

We have food. We have water. We are safe.

The weather is beautiful.

We are okay.

We are in a weird wonderland where we are all mad here.

But we are okay.

The world is changing, I hope for the better. I hope when this is all done we see what can and should be done.

Right now we’re still working through the trauma, and we have been traumatized, all of us…but I hope we do better after this.

I hope we see the companies that did right by their people, and those that did wrong. That we see what we could be, trauma aside, what a world we can live in.

Until then, I hope we are all okay.

A little mad in wonderland….

But Okay.

How are you holding up out there?  How are you coping? Have you tried something new? Or are you just trying to hold it together? Either way it’s fine, you take care of you. Please.