Posts I Love

Right now, we all need a little happy. A little weird. A little heartfelt sharing.  So many of these things can be found in blog posts around the web.  I’ve gathered a few of my favorites out of the past month-ish. So, without further ado, onto the sharing!


For some practical tips, my friend Cherie provided, as always. She is, after all, the Queen of Free.

First, is some Grocery Store Alternatives for when the shelves are bare and you still need things.

Second, are some great Quick, Easy Household and Baking Substitutions since, you know, we aren’t supposed to go out very often and a ‘quick run’ to the store is frivolous for real.


Next, Casey came back to bat at her fabulous blog Moosh in Indy, with some great tips and links to patterns for the ever important Mask Making in these new and wild times.


My friend Tony, who is ever Geeking in Indiana, came up with a GREAT solution for those of us missing out on conventions, and the sales at those conventions. And online-con. Called the Geeking@Home Con 2020…it’s a great way to find some wonderful geeky things you knew (or never knew) you needed!  Help support some small businesses by clicking over.


Mama Kat boldly posted about the things she’s buying during quarantine.  I’ve definitely been dipping into the online shopping myself and it’s great to see I’m not alone…by any means.


Matt is all of us in his Life in the Fishbowl…never more so than now during quarantine…and even MORE when he expounds on the 25 things he should be doing instead of writing this blog post. I’m with ya Matt…hardcore (even though writing blog posts was on my to-do list for today for reals).


Linda posted about a miniature home she finished during quarantine…that she thought she wouldn’t finish until it was all over. It’s a little bitter, a little sweet, look at what we imagined vs. what is really happening.


And always giving us a little laughter and a lot of creep…is The Bloggess.  Apparently the Yorkshire museum posted about the creepiest item they had, and asked what people had in their homes.  Jenny, as always, took it to the next level…find her twitter thread of creepiness through her blog post The Creepiest Tour of my House.


That’s it for now. I’m keeping my eye out for more.

If you think I missed YOURS, let me know in a comment here!  I’d love to find some new feeds for my reader!





Posts I Love

With so much going on in my life this month – I feel like I may have missed out on some posts…but I still managed to gather a few that I enjoyed, and I don’t care to skip a month on this if I can help it! So, without further ado, onto the sharing!


The Queen of Free, Cherie, always has some great tips on paying off your debt.  This week she breaks it down into 7 small, easy to follow tips that could have a big impact.  One of which I need to practice with more frequency for sure…the grocery list. Ugh. I suck at that one!

Linda over at All & Sundry writes a beautiful post about a task she was iffy to complete, but her husband wanted to “check off that box”…and yes, it’s Disney-related, because of course…but she writes beautiful about their trip to Disneyland and how lovely a time their family had together. Just be careful, it’ll make you want to check off that box, too.

Karl’s post is about his Unfavorite Things is so much fun, I may just do that thing he talks about where I steal it and credit him back..I mean, I spend a lot of time in gratitude, but sometimes there are things that just my unfavorite…

Rachael could be writing my own thoughts and feelings when she talksa bout why she’ll never quit Facebook.  Which is funny, considering I never wanted to start…

You’ve heard me wax nostalgic about Give Kids the World…but I’m not the only one.  Matt talks about his family’s recent trip for his daughter’s wish in a way that makes me super excited to go back as an alumni again soon!!

The Bloggess is so crazy popular because she continually exhibits how she’s just like us (but occasionally weirder, which I aspire to be)…and this latest post about an embroidery incident is so totally me.

In recent months I’ve been revealing a lot more of my real self than I ever have in the past…it’s totally terrifying in many ways. So, this post by Amy on her recent experience doing the same touched my heart and gave me all the feels.


That’s it for now. I’m keeping my eye out for more.

If you think I missed YOURS, let me know in a comment here!  I’d love to find some new feeds for my reader!





Posts I Love

I’ve found a few new blogs this month, so there’s a wee bit more variety of posts.  Rather than ramble on…on with the posts!!


First off there’s my friend Karl – who I met years ago basically I think it was a FB recommendation of ‘friend of friends’ as we were both in the OG blogging circuit.  He closed his blog years ago…but now he’s back and this post on Social Anxiety is all of the things.  In some ways his is different than mine, but it’s a pretty good description of the affliction all around. I related to the post in much ways.

Brittany finally got her hysterectomy.  She’s still in the depths of recovery, so her posts are few and far between, but this post about Love & Hysterectomies hit me in all the feels. I remember my hubby doting on me after mine.  It’s interesting when they realize you’re not unbreakable.

Lindsay over at Surburban Turmoil wrote a post about how to handle your summer…and I’m all about it. This Summer Give Your Kids the Gift of Boredom.  YES.

The Bloggess always has enough great ones it’s hard to choose…but two really stood out to me.  First off, in the realm of typical Bloggess style…she tells a FABULOUS ghost story.

However, my absolute loved post of the month is this one called Reaching Out.  A beautiful invitation to give and receive love and support among her many, many readers.  I finally started sending out my cards today, and I’ve received about 10 so far.  It’s snippets of joy that are so welcome in the chaos and bustle of every day life.

I just ‘met’ Kyra through our mutual friend Karl, and she also just re-started a blog like so many of us.  This post on trolls and their possible motives, Silenced, is a great reminder to always look deeper, have compassion, and think before you react.


That’s it for now. I’m keeping my eye out for more.

If you think I missed YOURS, let me know in a comment here!  I’d love to find some new feeds for my reader!





Posts I Love

This was a busy month of posts that really caught my attention…so without further ado, I’m getting on with the show!


There seems to be a theme running through my old school bloggers feeds right now.  The “oof” we are all feeling…puberty.  We are feeling the pain, joy, turmoil, and evolution of our babies growing up.

Brittany, Herself talks about that all important first step on a young man’s journey in Boy, Shave Your Face.

Lindsay from Suburban Turmoil, having been through the teen years with her step-daughters, and heading into it again with her youngest, gives some beautiful, sage advice on How to Survive the Teenage Years.

A friend of mine linked this post on How to Help Teenage Girls Reframe Anxiety and Strengthen Resilience – and I’ve bookmarked it to read and re-read as a mom with some anxiety, married to a man with many anxieties and knowing our middle child has a fair few of her own.

I swear, the entire internet is aware my girls have hit puberty and is commiserating with me. Or maybe we just all got into blogging when our kids were the same age (i.e. babies) and we’ve just all grown up together. Misery really does love company, because it’s nice to know I’m not alone.


A few more posts I’ve loved this month…

Ali has a lovely post about less-editing/more truth with her post Dark Raccoon Eyes and All.

Liz once again proves we have tons in common with her post, Yup. I’m One of Those Disney People.

Once again Jenny (The Bloggess) makes me both laugh and cry.

First up, she talks a very serious, and all too familiar subject with me. Have the Talk. (Not THAT talk…the other one)

Then she makes me giggle when she exposes a deeply humbling encounter she had

Lastly this month…this review of Captain Marvel over at Geek Mom was so good it made me almost want to watch the movie…and I’ve sworn off superhero movies for a while. (Burned out)


That’s it for now. I’m keeping my eye out for more.

If you think I missed YOURS, let me know in a comment here!  I’d love to find some new feeds for my reader!





Posts I Love


Turns out this post last month was a good thing. I had fun with it, and I’m happy to keep the love moving on…


Blogging is both old-school and totally new-fangled. To those of us still trucking along with original content, it’s important to stick together.

Still, I want to share some of my favorite finds over the month and hope to do one or two of these a month. Yup, I’m a small fish…but if I can send even one new viewer their way, then I’ve done my part to share the love.  Be forewarned, they range from my sort of blog, to finance, to total geekery…and they’re ALL fabulous.

So, without further ado…some of my favorite reads from the past month…


Liz talks about how the choices we make, both the easy and the hard, enact change:  Choices Become Change

Over at Cheaper than Therapy, Ali apparently crawled up in my head when she described how her anxiety comes out…it’s eerily familiar: {My} Anxiety Is

After the initial post about Brittany’s Hysterectomy that I posted about last month happened…this did: 18 Hours.  It’s a heart wrenching, raw read (but rest assured, as of 2 days ago the appeal went through. It’s still an unknown until it ACTUALLY HAPPENS…but it’s a relief).

The Bloggess (i.e. Jenny Lawson of Furiously Happy) has had some ups and downs this month.  Two of her posts made it to my list this week…both up and down.  First, the “down”…it’s actually an uplifting read for when you’re down. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t solely written for us, but there are some details even bloggers don’t share: If You’re Reading This, You Win.  On the lighter side of things…we learn about her new writing partner…and I really need to find a copy of this: I’ve taken on a writing partner and you’ll never guess who it is.

Suburban Turmoil also got two posts that made me super happy this month.  First, a post on conquering our fears in the every day…And Now I am a Slayer of Tube Slides. She also tackled the ridiculous expectations in those celebrity endorsements and did it with panache and humor in Gwyneth Paltrow Thinks We Need a $16,000 Handbag for Our Workouts and Now I Can’t Go to the Gym. I mean, for real.

I’ve known Michelle for a long time…and she’s right…she is the queen of over-the-top-awesome birthday parties for her kids. (I still totally wish I’d had the Harry Potter party for myself).  This year though, her kid (same age as my youngest) wanted none of it.  She wanted understated…and I swear it must have been the best yet. I love it.  It’s her Easiest Party Ever.


That’s it for now. I’m keeping my eye out for more.  If you think I missed YOURS, let me know in a comment here!  I’d love to find some new feeds for my reader!





Posts I Love


Once Upon A Time Blogs Littered the Interwebs.

There were lots of us in the OG days.  I’ve always been a small fish in a pretty damn big pond. Hell, I still am.  Many blogs are gone, some are bigger than ever, some are new.  I’m still chugging along in fits and spurts…not as often as I’d liked to have in previous years, if for no other reason than to have a record.

But I digress.

Blogging is both old-school and totally new-fangled. To those of us still trucking along with original content, it’s important to stick together.

Still, I want to share some of my favorite finds over the month and hope to do one or two of these a month. Yup, I’m a small fish…but if I can send even one new viewer their way, then I’ve done my part to share the love.  Be forewarned, they range from my sort of blog, to finance, to total geekery…and they’re ALL fabulous.

So, without further ado…

A Hysterectomy at 37 – Brittany, Herself certainly doesn’t need any help getting traffic…after all, she’s immensely popular, beautiful and witty (have I mentioned, I want to be her when I grown up?)…but I found this post particularly important.  As having an “early” hysterectomy myself once…I totally get this.

Can’t Even Tell – Ali Martell, of Cheaper Than Therapy…another old school blogger with many friends and fans…but I felt her deeply on this one. It hit me in the feels.

Star Trek Coming to the Children’s Museum – Probably (not) a shocker, but I met Tony at a Star Wars event here in Indy.  With our Geeking in common, I keep a close watch on him on Twitter and FB.  He’s always got great local geeking tips…but most exciting of all is the arrival of Star Trek to TCMIndy!!

31 Days of Financial Decluttering – Cherie and I have been friends since the stone age of my blog…and hers. She’s as good a person inside as you’d think. Now we’re both authors, and one of us is debt free (hint: it’s not me!!).  As I’m trying to accomplish that monumental task, I’m really enjoying these 31 days of Decluttering.  They are taking a big task and putting it into 31 perfectly manageable little challenges so tat I’ve even been following along.

Once Choice – Liz is another local friend of mine that I’ve known for a while.  I really enjoyed her New Years post this year and the simplicity of tackling one month at a time instead of the whole year.

Things that Were Very Much a Feed for 80s Girls – Yeah, I know…it’s one of THOSE big click-bait sort of blogs…but this post IS my childhood.



That’s it for now. I’m keeping my eye out for more.  If you think I missed YOURS, let me know in a comment here!  I’d love to find some new feeds for my reader!