by Sarah | Feb 11, 2015 | All About Denver, All About Erik, All About Family, All About Kennedy, All About Me, All About Molly, All of Us, Cystic Fibrosis, Disney, Make-A-Wish, Redefining Perfect, Special Needs
I can’t predict how many posts this is going to take over the next few months, so I’m not even going to try. Instead, I’m just going to let our story unfold. Some posts will be on one moment in time, a brief ten or twenty moments in time that impacted us too deeply to be buried with the other notes of our story.
The story of how we ended up where we did was both long and then very short. Short of it is after not being approved two years ago we were contacted by Make-A-Wish in April, saying that Kennedy and Denver could both qualify now and to call them. After that it was a heartbeat later that the Wish volunteers were sitting in our living room getting the kids wishes.
Kennedy wished for Disney/Universal.
I don’t think any of us was prepared for the amazing that followed.
The first step toward our trip involved a party. We got to invite some friends and met at a local restaurant.
All three of the kids were treated to Disney delights. No child was left out in the preparations, and they all got gifts.
The biggest one of all was, of course, for Kennedy. That big giant package was an elaborate Princess Anna costume for Kennedy (pictures to come in another post).
We were able to sit and relax with friends, while the kids played with the bevy of toys they were given. The volunteers went over many things that my head couldn’t wrap around, and as I’ve said several times, we had no idea what we were in store for.
The party went on for several hours, and then we all went home. Kennedy was an ecstatic mess, and even though we still had a couple of weeks before we left, the impatience for the trip was mounting.
Of course, the kids were bouncing off the walls, and so was I, but I was also packing and planning and stressing (Oh but I didn’t need to…). Oh, and planning and packing and stressing a little more. Talking to other people I knew that had done Disney through Make-A-Wish who had glowing reports just like I do now after the fact.
And so…we prepared to go. Left the dog with my parents, my hard drive w/ a neighbor for protection, got the fridge emptied and the laundry done.
We were ready to take off!
(Part 2 soon!)
by Sarah | Jul 9, 2014 | All About Family, All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Pour Your Heart Out, Redefining Perfect
My relationship with my family has had its ups and downs. In the most recent years its been strained, to say the least.
Two years ago(ish), I cut off all contact with my brother.
All of it.
No holidays. No visits. No phone calls.
I was done.
No nephew time (and I adore my nephews).
No sis-in-law time.
Because I was hurt. The hurt was inflicted during a time I was very scared, and so it was magnified into a great pain.
One I haven’t fully recovered from, mostly because it has not been dealt with. I haven’t told my brother why.
But several weeks ago a crisis arose.
My dad’s Parkinson’s took a left turn and the world sort of turned on its head for all of us.
It brought us all together again. My brother, my parents and I all sat under the same roof to deal with the situation and where to go next.
Sometimes it takes a crisis to get over your own stubbornness, your own pride, your own pain. In those moments, all of that is forgotten in the adrenaline rush, the fear, and the chaos. Those are the rough moments, but they’re also the moments of clarity. The moments when what’s really important comes out.
Suddenly we are talking. Phone calls are being made. Family outings are being planned.
We’re taking baby steps, and I still have to sit down with my brother and explain how the rift started, how I was hurt. Our lives have been too chaotic for a good heart-to-heart.
But we’re making pathways.
Moving forward.
I feel a long-taut string loosening. One I hadn’t realized was stretched so thin.
Maybe someday soon the family will be whole again.
Written for Things I can’t Say’s Pour Your Heart Out

by Sarah | Jun 11, 2014 | All About Denver, All About Family, All About Me, All of Us, Crap, Random, Redefining Perfect, Special Needs, The Teenager
The past two weeks have been overwhelming.
It’s been one thing after another.
Denver got sick.
My dad’s Parkinson’s has reared its ugly head something fierce.
Denver’s teenage life blew up into all sorts of drama.
Husband had some big decisions to make at work, and the end result was the exact opposite that we’d been hoping for over the past few years.
I think my head might have exploded at one point.
I’ve been short tempered.
I’ve slept too much to cope.
I haven’t eaten enough.
I’ve only eaten crap.
I haven’t written a word.
But I’m still here.
I’m hoping this is the other side of hell week(s).
I’m putting one foot in front of the other.
Trying not to make a sound.
Trying to remember that positive side of me and find that silver lining.
Trying to not reawaken the dragon.
Because life doesn’t wait for you to cross the tight rope.
It keeps going on.
And so will I.
by Sarah | Mar 30, 2014 | All About Family, All About Home, All About Kennedy, All About Me, All About Molly, All of Us, Blogging Life, Redefining Perfect, Sponsored

*Today’s post was sponsored by Fruitshoot. All opinions and lunch ideas are my own.
I have this special treat I love to do for my girls.
I don’t do it as often as I should, but then it’s not a treat, is it?
I like to make bento-style lunches for them.
I create sushi rolls out of sandwhiches, or just the meat and cheese. I add in vegetables and fruits, and the best part? They are so excited by the fun take on the food, that they happily eat all the healthy food I can pack into the meal…and even better? They eat more than they would if I just offered them a sandwich.
Today we’re heading out on an adventure for our first day of spring break. For my new job (more on that later), we’re heading out to a farm to check out the baby animals. The girls are so excited, but I’m going to surprise them with their favorite kind of lunches.

I’ve got all their favorites in there. Tomatoes, cheese, carrots, bologna, craisins, strawberry’s, yogurt covered raisins, and hard boiled eggs. I rolled the bologna and cheese into sushi-like rolls, and then made the [amazon_link id=”B00CDPNA70″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]kitten and panda faces[/amazon_link] out of them, too. I went with a “round” theme with the carrots to match the rest of the fruits, and mixed all the fruits, dried and fresh, together for them.
All of that is topped off with their (and my) newest favorite drink. Apple Fruitshooter’s!! They love the tasty drink, and that they can open them themselves (that whole independent streak they’ve got going) – and I love that handy little note at the top of the label “No Sugar Added”.
It’s a fun and easy way for us to all get what we want…and it’s a great way to get a drink into their lunches.
So how do you like to fun-up your kids lunches?
Like Fruitshoot on Facebook
*Today’s post was sponsored by Fruitshoot. All opinions and lunch ideas are my own.
by Sarah | Mar 19, 2014 | All About Denver, All About Family, Blogging Life, Pour Your Heart Out, Redefining Perfect, The Teenager
As a baby he was all Mama’s boy. I was a single mom and he was my world.
As he grew, he stayed that way. He listened to my musicals in the car with me.
Everything was shared, no secrets kept.
Over time, and with age, the world began to shift.
Sisters were born.
School got harder.
Life got busier.
He became a pre-teen.
The hugging slipped away.
The talking disappeared.
Sullenness crept in where sunshine had lived.
And then we had a teenager.
Over the past few years, the ever-changing relationship has left me at time joyous, befuddled, angry, and sad.
The need for independence, coupled with the distance already formed, has left some gaps in the relationship.
I don’t understand him, although I try.
He is a sensitive one, like I always was, and I find myself now understanding my dad’s frustration when I was that age.
There are ways Denver is just like me—and ways he is nothing like me.
I don’t know how to parent a teenager. I don’t know how to let go and hold tight. I don’t know how to keep his trust as he tests mine.
Yet, in the frustration and pain, there are moments.
Times we share laughter. Times we have a playful battle of wits (or wills).
There are some subjects we share an enjoyment of (raising a Geek when you’re one helps).
Some days I think I’m losing him and will never get him back.
Some days I worry I didn’t do a good enough job raising him.
But these days, as he’s getting a little older—a little closer to good-bye—we are starting to find that middle ground.
There are times I think he might actually like his parents (heaven forbid).
And so I think there is hope.
Just so long as he knows how proud we are of him (we are, so much).
So long as he knows how smart he is and how much potential he has.
Then I am happy, and think maybe I didn’t do such a bad job in raising him after all.
Are you ready for the teen years? I still have two kids to go through, and they’re girls. I don’t think I’m ready for that.
Written for Things I can’t Say’s Pour Your Heart Out

by Sarah | Mar 11, 2014 | All About Family, All of Us, Redefining Perfect, Top Ten Tuesday
At this point in our life, a family vacation is a dream…so this list is appropriate.
I’d love to take my kids on vacation just about anywhere. Some of these are more realistic than others, but they’re al ideas I’ve had.
10. Disney. Of course. I’d be happy with Disney World visits – or a Disney Cruise. I think my kids would get a total kick out of it.
9. Washington D.C. As a former nearly-resident, I’d love to take my kids to see the nations capital.
8. Hawaii. Okay, this is a dream family or no…I just always wanted to go. 🙂
7. California. Yup, the state, not a specific place. My parents took my brother and I when I was in middle school. We drove the coastline, and back up through-started in Fresno, ended in San Fran. It was amazing, and while I’d never want to live there, California is a cool place to visit.
6. Yellowstone. A given, right?
5. Florida – the Gulf beaches. This was Erik’s idea, and I agree. Every time we went to Florida, we always went to the beaches, not just the hot attractions.
4. A drive around the country. I mean the whole country. A friend of mine did a Great American Road Trip last year. I think that’s an awesome idea.
3. Gatlinburg. A “simple” vacation – just renting a cabin in the mountains and enjoying the time away. This is on the docket for “maybe next year”.
2. Colonial Williamsburg/Busch Gardens. I’ve been & LOVE. Plus, we could visit w/ my BFF Jess and her family, and even stay with them for a few days. This is also on the “maybe next year” list.
1. Universal Studios. I mean, what Geek family wouldn’t want to? Especially one with a Harry Potter obsessed little one like Kennedy. She’d kill to see Hogsmeade…and this summer they’re going to open Diagon Alley. I think Kennedy and I would be totally geeked out there.
And that’s my list for this week. Many big dreams, a couple of realistic ones. Just need to start those savings jars.
What about you? What are your dream family vacation destinations? I’m always looking for new recommendations!

Feel free to join me for Top Ten Tuesday! If anyone is interested, I can create a linky 😀