by Sarah | Apr 11, 2012 | All About Family, All About Kennedy, All About Me, All About Molly
[flickr id=”6921772250″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]Before he was 2 years old, Erik had 7 surgeries on his eyes. Today he still suffers the effects. Astigmatism in both eyes, weak muscles and near-sightedness. His perscription changes every single year enough to need a perscription.
I got my first glasses in 6th grade. My eyes are too bad, but I’m nearsighted.
Denver was 7. Nearsighted.
Now it’s the girls. In a houseful of 5, not one of us escaped the need for corrective eyewear. [flickr id=”6921772134″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”right”]
Molly is just like her daddy. Astigmatism in both eyes, near-sighted.
Kennedy is (as always) the odd-duck. One eye is practically perfect. The other is a mess. Astigmatism, near-sighted. Her glasses are lop-sided in correction.
I wish the girls had been able to escape this fate – but they look darn cute, don’t they?
by Sarah | Apr 3, 2012 | All About Denver, All About Erik, All About Family, All About Kennedy, All About Molly, All of Us, Crap, Random, WTF?
[flickr id=”6179693357″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”] *This morning I met with some wonderful ladies for a mini-conference w/ a talk given by the ever-internet-savvy Heather. It was a good time, I learned a lot, and it woke up something that I’d been thinking about for over a year now. I have two blogs – and for a scatterbrain like myself it wasn’t working. I feel pressured to come up with twice the posts and then I don’t post at all. So I’ve made the decision to somehow combine my writing blog (Sadie’s Storylines) into this one. It’s not a clean mesh by any means – which is what has kept me from doing it for so long – but it’s a necessary one. After all, my photography is here – why can’t my writing?
*I have been super-stressed in recent weeks. Many crazy things have happened health-wise and personal-wise that I’ve been feeling awful overwhelmed. Worst part is a current health-crisis with the hubby (although he’ll not be thrilled that I call it a ‘crisis’). It’s serious and scary and worst part is we still don’t know what’s going on. He’s having a procedure in a couple of days and we’re hoping that brings us answers and resolution in the coming months.
*In the next couple of days we’ll be a house full of eye-correction. There will be a forthcoming blog post w/ the cuteness of my girls in their new glasses.
*The teen has been on the roller coaster ride of teen hormones and girls. This is also inspiring another blog post to be forthcoming.
*Expect some dust as I attend to the first item mentioned on this list – combining my blog. This will require some redesign and some conflicting posts. i’ve already transferred over all of my posts from the writing blog – now I just need to organize and clean this place up a bit (this will likely involve a new look of sorts – but nothing drastically different as i just ordered business cards)
*Just 2.5 weeks until I go to Bloggy Boot Camp. Checking 2 things off my 45X45 (Blog conference & vacay w/ the hubby) in one fell swoop. After failing to get excited about it in the recent chaos, I’m starting to get giggly and eager.
*While there i’m totally going to have a nerd-gasm and go to the Star Trek Exhibit w/ my hubs (thanks Groupon for alerting me to its presence in St. Louis). It’s geek-heaven.
*Gorgeous weather is leading toward lots of line-drying of clothes. Oh how I love this time of year 🙂
*I recently totally reorganized the hubbies DVD’s. Picture proof coming soon – HUGE and refreshing change.
*I got a new (to us) car. I have to say that despite its age – it is hands down the nicest car we have ever owned (and we have owned a LOT of cars in our 10 year marriage). It makes me very happy. More on that coming soon too 🙂
That’s it for now. Just got the call from Wal-Mart – glasses have come in!
by Sarah | Mar 21, 2012 | All About Kennedy, All About Molly, Anger Issues, Autism, Special Needs, Therapy
[flickr id=”6270891807″ thumbnail=”small_320″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]We have known for a long time that our sweet little Angel girl had a temper problem.
Dichotomy that she is – she was the sweetest and smilingest baby ever…then on a dime she would launch into a screaming fit the likes of which I can’t begin to describe. She has the capability to burst ear drums with her high pitched scream. Worse than that, and the part that frightened us, was her tendency to self injure. Slamming her head into the corner of doorways, the floor, our faces. You know, whatever is handy.
We hoped she’d outgrow it. She hasn’t. Fortunately the self-injury part of it is softened down to the occasional digging at her nose until it bleeds. While she still throws major tantrums and fits – they have become the slamming her bedroom door and kicking it and the walls while screaming that life is unfair for a six year old little girl.
Then she started school. We didn’t know what would happen there. Feared the worst.
At her parent teacher conference we learned the truth of it.
When a teacher of Kindergarten children says there’s a temper issue – you know there’s a problem.
Since then we’ve heard little (or rather nothing) else that her temper was a continuing or growing issue. Until last week. Angel brought home from school a permission slip. The Guidance Counselor offers “small group counseling” for the students. Angel had been pegged and needed permission to participate in one.
“Friendship and Social Skills (Communication, appropriate expression of feelings and wants, problem solving skills)”
Hmmmm….Temper much?
So now every week my little Angel goes to a counseling session to try to learn to control her temper.
Tell me why this wasn’t offered earlier? Like when I asked the school about how to help her – or expressly said that she had a temper issue and we needed to know how to take care of it if it was noticed at the school.
Why is assistance only after a LONG period of them witnessing it? Why aren’t we listened to when we expressly say there are issues with our children? Are we not a squeaky enough wheel?
(P.S. Riley has also come home this week w/ the same note and will start her sessions on monday. Considering she has autism and spends EVERY recess all by herself – this also should have been offered sooner for her)
by Sarah | Mar 7, 2012 | All About Kennedy, Crap, Cystic Fibrosis, Special Needs, SSI, WTF?
[flickr id=”5293689107″ thumbnail=”small_320″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]I have spent the past 3 months jumping through hoops. Doing everything the government asked. Going to appointments that seemed ridiculous. After all, she is covered by SSI for Cystic Fibrosis. It’s a set diagnosis. It’s not going to change.
I thought it was just normal. Three years had passed, they did a re-evaluation and we’d go on our merry way as we had been.
I never imagined we’d get a letter declaring the cessation of benefits.
That somehow, according to the government, Cystic Fibrosis is a condition that stands the chance of improving.
That somehow, 2 hospital visits, the addition of a very costly monthly med, a decrease in vitamin levels, a continuing need for nutritional supplements all equal an “improvement” in her condition.
I’ve already met with the lawyer.
Filed the appeal.
I get to go to court (woo-frickin’-hoo).
Continue to jump through their hoops. This time w/ a good lawyer on our baby’s side.
Stupid government.
by Sarah | Jan 17, 2012 | All About Kennedy, All of Us, Crap, Special Needs, SSI
[flickr id=”5888961016″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]Four years ago we jumped through hoop after hoop. We went to all of the exams, evaluations and tests needed for Angel to get qualified for SSI.
We were denied.
It took getting a disability lawyer to send in the paperwork for them to say yes.
Three years since our official qualification (thanks to the lawyer & the lovely fee they took out).
Now we are up for review.
For CF.
CF is not currently a disease that gets BETTER.
So we jump through the hoops again.
Pray that this time we aren’t denied again and are forced to go back to the lawyer to push the government back into reinstating what we’ve been qualified for for years.
It’s not like we’re trying to bilk them. If we were we’d reapply for Riley. We’d apply for Brandon. I’d work if I could so we didn’t need the SSI, but as we so recently realized that’s not a possibility if we’re to keep Angel on the insurance we so desperately need to keep.
I’m tired of jumping through senseless hoops.
Angel has CF. What is the purpose of a Speech evaluation and a psychological exam? They have no bearing on her disease at all. None.
Stupid hoops.
by Sarah | Dec 10, 2011 | All About Kennedy, Crap, Random, WTF?
[flickr id=”6247831361″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]Angel and Riley have the same amount of underwear. Riley has Dora, and Angel has Littlest Pet Shop. I made sure of this so that I would know who would need new and when and also to keep them separate since they wear the same size. It can get confusing w/ some Irish Twins in the house.
So last week I started to realize that as I did the laundry I was missing a LOT of Angel’s Littlest Pet Shop. They weren’t in the laundry, or in her room. Where could they be?
It was Archie that figured it out.
All week long instead of actually changing underwear in the morning, Angel was just putting her clean pair on top of her dirty pair. At last count she had five pairs on at one time.
Needless to say the situation has been corrected. But it was a heck of a laugh to see five pairs on underwear on that little goober.