by Sarah | Mar 4, 2019 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Pagan Me Happy, Personal, Redefining Perfect
Once a month I’ll be posting a new Spirit Animal. This is both for me to study and learn, but also to help inspire each month.
This month, the first month, the animal is…of all things…a skunk.
Hey, I don’t pick ’em…these suckers show up to me. I know they’re weird – it’s fitting because so am I.
Anyhoozles…onto Mr. Skunk.
First reaction to this spirit animal might be to wrinkle your nose and back away.
When you look deeper though, there’s more to him than that scent – although it’s a big part of who he is.
A skunk doesn’t use his spray lightly, he only does so when it’s absolutely necessary because it’s actually draining for him to use it because it takes a week to refill. It is a last ditch effort, which actually makes him the ultimate pacifist.
Skunks have few natural predators because their reputation precedes them. Their distinctive color and scent make most back away. There is a natural boundary to them. If you study them, though…they are actually adorable and playful animals.
The messages of the skunk all spoke deeply to where I am now in my growth and life.
- The skunk symbolizes the need to live our lives authentically (I’m working on being my true self these days, no matter what), and to build confidence in ourselves.
- He tells us to have my strength of will & independence (will power is always my biggest struggle)
- Develop trust in yourself, build your intuition. Go with your gut. I hear it often, but sometimes I forget to listen.
- The skunk offers a keen sense of balance – because they don’t attack lightly, every situation is weighed.
- Meet life’s challenges with a calm and peaceful heart – my biggest struggle to date. I enter panic mode (or anger mode) way too quickly.
- The last message he’s bringing for me is also one of the biggest messages I need to follow. Find the balance between being a people pleaser, and your self-respect. Create boundaries.
The lessons from skunk go deep into my current process of learning to love myself for who I am…and by extension heal myself by forgiving others and establishing boundaries for myself while simultaneously opening myself to new connections.
It’s life on a tightrope, but skunk’s lessons help me find that balance and stretch out in my space.
An unexpected companion for my February, but one I’m appreciating the more I study on him.
by Sarah | Mar 3, 2019 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Gratitude, Redefining Perfect
As part of my Oola journey, I’m making an effort to be more grateful. My daily planner has a place specifically labeled for Gratitude. I’d like to spread some of that love here, too.
I am grateful for –
Positive No’s.
Mending fences.
Letting Go.
Hot tea.
New babies (that aren’t mine).
Still having a great, close relationship with my girls.
Teeny tiny tarot cards.
Moments of clarity.
Small towns.
Two more big chunks of knitting down.
Days off.
Good books.
Peaceful clarity.
Negative troponin.
Hitting that elusive goal.
by Sarah | Feb 26, 2019 | All About Denver, All About Erik, All About Family, All About Kennedy, All About Me, All About Molly, All of Us, Blogging Life, Redefining Perfect, Top Ten Tuesday
Continuing our countdown of my dream family vacations, we hit #6 on the list…
I know, I know…that’s a WHOLE STATE. It’s just…some states deserve to have the WHOLE STATE on a list like this, you know?
Unfortunately, in this case, my kids have totally beat me to the punch SO HARD on this. They went, they saw, they conquered, and declared it their favorite state…which only furthered my desire to go.
I have an entire book series set here. I’ve been in love with Colorado (as a place to visit, I’m too much done with snow to want to live there) ever since I watched Dr. Quinn and saw the Red Rocks featured on an episode. I’ve always felt called to go see it some day…and I’m not jealous at all that my kids beat me to it.
I’ve heard really amazing things about all of the sights and the activities that can be done there. My friend and former coworker went a couple of years ago and still talks about it. My kids still talk about it.
I just want to see it ALL…including the area where I set my little town at (there’s a real town there that I could visit) to see what I’ve always envisioned it looking like come to life.
Have you ever been to Colorado? What was your favorite part? Do you live there? What do you recommend as a MUST SEE?
by Sarah | Feb 20, 2019 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Book Reviews, I'm A Reader, Redefining Perfect, Wordy Wednesday
I thought about doing one book per recommendation post – but then changed my mind.
I’m going to recommend One, one, and one every month. The genres may change, but it lends some variety.
This week we’re going to look at Audiobook, One Memoir, and One Historical Fiction.
[easyazon_link identifier=”0449807894″ locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]World War Z[/easyazon_link]
Before 2017 I had never read an audiobook. It wasn’t any judgment on those that do, or any thoughts of them being lesser…it was just a belief that it wasn’t for me. I had always been a strong reader, so I thought nothing of reading an audiobook.
In 2017 I really challenged myself to try all sorts of new genres and audiobooks was one of them.
I think I picked both the very BEST and very WORST book to read first via audiobook….because NOTHING has been able to compare since.
World War Z is a full cast recording of this popular novel…and as the novel is truly titled “An Oral History of the Zombie War”, it really, truly, does read better in an oral format.
The cast is littered with names so familiar to this geek. Names like Mark Hammill, Nathan Fillion, Jeri Ryan, Simon Pegg, David Ogden Stiers, Alan Alda, Denise Crosby, Bruce Boxleitner, Rob Reiner, and Rene Aberjunois.
It’s a geek-gasm in every way.
No, seriously. If you’re on the fence about audiobooks, this is an AMAZING one to start with. Don’t let the word “Zombie” scare you off if you don’t like horror…because this book is NOT that. The zombies really hardly factor in to the actual story – which is more about the politics and human condition. It’s got so much depth, and the actors are top notch, even if you are only hearing their voices.
I swear, listening to this is like what our grandparents probably felt like when they were listening to the radio for entertainment. It’s got everything.
[easyazon_link identifier=”0596806310″ locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]Just a Geek[/easyazon_link]
Honestly, I listened to this as an audiobook, too…but I don’t want to put this under audiobooks because I truly believe it works well in written form as well…it’s just a really good memoir if you’re a geek.
I mean, I’m such a geek.
And, really…it was Wil Wheaton that started me on my geekdom path…because the ONLY reason I started watching Star Trek: The Next Generation was because I happened to spot him when I was channel surfing and stopped…then dug out the TV guide to find out what was on, and then find out when I could watch it again.
But I digress here…the book. The memoir.
Whether you loved or hated him on TNG, you can bet that Wil had a rough go of being pegged in that role. His rebellion against it and his ensuing search for himself only to find himself right where he never knew he belonged is such an interesting read.
It was both enlightening and rough to read about…and I really liked seeing more about the geek that led me to my own geekdom.
It’s a good read all around, and an interesting look into the life of a child star that didn’t go off the deep end forever.
[easyazon_link identifier=”0062685341″ locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]Caroline[/easyazon_link]
Oh me oh my, I was SUCH a big fan of the Little House books growing up. I read them 18 times between the ages of 4 (yes, 4) until I was 18. I lived and breathed Laura Ingalls. I knew the books backward and forward.
So when I saw this book, I knew I had to get it.
Set during the book Little House on the Prairie when the Ingalls leave the Big Woods to head to Kansas…this book is told with a bit of a nod to the original (fictional) books written by Laura, and with a fair amount of research to add facts that a book from a child’s perspective cannot express.
That being said there were moments where I had to remind myself this book is from Caroline’s perspective and I’m an adult now because there is intimacy and affection between Caroline and Charles…formerly known as Ma and Pa…which left me feeling awkward at first…but they are written so beautifully, I can’t even express.
The whole story is written with a stunning, lyrical prose that draws you in and paints a picture of beauty, hardship, and family in a way that only enhances the original book in ways you’d not expect.
I truly hope Miller writes more, because I really loved reading this story through the eyes of our beloved Ma Ingalls.
Those are my recommendations for this month! Hope you enjoyed.
What are some of your favorite books? I love adding to my TBR.
by Sarah | Feb 19, 2019 | All About Denver, All About Erik, All About Family, All About Kennedy, All About Me, All About Molly, All of Us, Blogging Life, Redefining Perfect, Top Ten Tuesday
Continuing our countdown of my dream family vacations, we hit #7 on the list…
Yellowstone National Park
I got spared my kids beating me to this by the skin of my teeth. When they went most of the park was closed, so they stayed in one state (which is next on my list, the punks)…
I’ve always wanted to see Yellowstone. Not just Old Faithful (though that’s on the list)…but the beauty all round, from the mountains to the hot springs to the amazing wildlife. I could just go with my camera and get lost for hours on end.
I really think the kids would love the variety of things to see, and there’d never be a dull day. So much wonder and beauty wrapped up in this huge park.
I’d love to go with the kids…but it would be a great vacation for just the husband and I, too.
Overall, you can’t go wrong with the beauty of nature.
Have you ever been to Yellowstone? What was your favorite part?
by Sarah | Feb 18, 2019 | All About Erik, All About Family, All About Marriage, All About Me, All of Us, Redefining Perfect
Made lovingly.
Crafted thoughtfully.
Colors and design chosen to suit how we planned to decorate.
Hummingbirds embroidered to honor my wedding, and my grandfather.
The state stitched in.
Given as a wedding gift with the words…
“Do not hang or display this. I made it to be used.”
Over sixteen years later we have done as it was wished by my mother when she gave this to us for our wedding.
It has been used well.
Sat on, snuggled under, covered the back of the couch, used to cover the floor for sleepover movie nights, to build forts during sleepovers, laid on the end of our bed, slept on…
Used and loved.
It shows the wear of the years.
The handling.
The care.
Fabric has torn.
Batting lost.
Patches where no fabric remains.
A hummingbird flapping loose as if to fly away.
Today we removed it from where it’s sat most recently, on my husband’s recliner.
So that we might continue to hold onto this piece that has been part of the fabric of our lives for 16+ years.
Before it falls to shambles.
Because though we have done as asked, and used it well…I want to honor the gift for what it was and is…and the memories it symbolizes.
I’m sure it will still see use, but it will be with care to keep it alive for as long as we can.