by Sarah | Jan 17, 2019 | All About Family, All of Us, Blogging Life, Disney, DisneyTips, Redefining Perfect, Universal
I haven’t been to Disney hundreds of times (yet. Give me a couple years), but I’ve been my fair share.
I’ve done it with crazy intensity, and in a casual jaunt.
I’ve done Disneyland (finally), and Disney World.
I’ve picked up a few tips along the way. And while there re blogs across the web, I wanted to hand out my own Disney advice I’ve learned along the way, and tips I’ll be learning as I begin to go more frequently.
My first tip is – Don’t Overschedule.
There is a LOT to do at Disney. So much, you could go every day of the year and not get it all done.
Once more for the people in the back…
You cannot get everything done at Disney in one trip.
My BEST trips have been when we didn’t have a ton of stuff planned. We had vague ideas of what we wanted to see, key points we wanted to hit…but there wasn’t “THE LIST” or reservations or anything like that.
Do your research, sure.
Make A reservation (maybe 2) of places you really want to eat. Don’t scatter your trip with reservations every day that you have to make it to by a certain time because there are so many variables like wait times and travel time and crowd levels and potty breaks. Though there’s flexibility in your arrival times…it’s still undue pressure you don’t need.
There are so many places at Disney that are counter service and don’t require a reservation and many of them are GOOD (and many also now offer mobile pickup, which we’ll cover another time because YAY). They’re scattered along your route in the park and easy to drop in, grab and get back on the route.
This is MOST key, I think, if this is your first ever trip – ESPECIALLY on your first ever trip with your kids.
Be flexible. Be open. On your research, take note of the restaurants in the areas you plan to be in so you don’t get a bad one (we did our first trip. We still joke about the awfulness…yes, it does happen).
OR…don’t plan.
Our first trip with the kids I had vague notes of things I really wanted us to hit, but otherwise it was a free-for-all. The good (and bad) parts of the trip are still ALL good memories. We joke about the bad food, we joke about the painful seats on Molly’s first roller coaster (in an area we had NO designs on going in originally). Nothing we did on that trip was planned. It was amazeballs (and not just because of the Genie pass).
Year 2 was still great…but much more stressful because we had PLANS. We spent 7 months researching and planning and making meal reservations (only 1 of which was worth it…and it wasn’t a character dining…and they were all $$$)…and I was so stressed about “having” to be here or there that I didn’t have as much…FUN.
I experienced the same thing when we went last year with actual passes. The first time we went, hubby and I were able to just take things casual. We spent a lot of time at our resort pool. When the power went out, we headed to the boardwalk for ice cream. Our days in the park were cool and casual, very little ‘planned’ along the way. Unfortunately, later that same year when I took the girls my son decided he had to schedule us fast passes for everything under the sun which led to a lot of flurry of activity that was stressful, especially in the high crowds of Christmas week.
I don’t make this tip lightly, I promise. I come from a long line of planners. My dad loves to plan out vacations to the minute. I was super excited for that second Disney year because Denver and I had planned so much…but the planning robs the spontaneity and fun out of Disney.
Definitely, do your research. Think hard about how long you’re going and the crowd predictions and think about your “must-do’s”. Make some general plans…what park(s) what day…what key things to hit. Make a reservation or two (I’ve got some suggestions in later posts)…sketch out days lightly, don’t set them in stone with Sharpie’s…
Because at Disney – the fun is in the spontaneous and unpredictable.
Let yourself get pulled off course – that is where the fun is.
by Sarah | Jan 13, 2019 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Gratitude, Redefining Perfect
As part of my Oola journey, I’m making an effort to be more grateful. My daily planner has a place specifically labeled for Gratitude. I’d like to spread some of that love here, too.
I am grateful for –
Our plans to move to Florida, which helped me kick the smoking habit FINALLY (2 months smoke-free!)
My husband – who not only pushes me to do better…but to love myself more.
My son – who makes regular efforts to speak to his mother, even though he’s 1,000 miles away.
My finished afghan – it took me months to make, and it’s beautiful, and I hope I sell it soon.
My girls – wacky and dark and obnoxious and so many things…but most of all still so very sweet and loving.
Learning to set boundaries.
Freedom from toxicity.
Growing a pair.
The moon.
by Sarah | Jan 12, 2019 | All of Us, Blogging Life, BlogRollin', Redefining Perfect
Once Upon A Time Blogs Littered the Interwebs.
There were lots of us in the OG days. I’ve always been a small fish in a pretty damn big pond. Hell, I still am. Many blogs are gone, some are bigger than ever, some are new. I’m still chugging along in fits and spurts…not as often as I’d liked to have in previous years, if for no other reason than to have a record.
But I digress.
Blogging is both old-school and totally new-fangled. To those of us still trucking along with original content, it’s important to stick together.
Still, I want to share some of my favorite finds over the month and hope to do one or two of these a month. Yup, I’m a small fish…but if I can send even one new viewer their way, then I’ve done my part to share the love. Be forewarned, they range from my sort of blog, to finance, to total geekery…and they’re ALL fabulous.
So, without further ado…
A Hysterectomy at 37 – Brittany, Herself certainly doesn’t need any help getting traffic…after all, she’s immensely popular, beautiful and witty (have I mentioned, I want to be her when I grown up?)…but I found this post particularly important. As having an “early” hysterectomy myself once…I totally get this.
Can’t Even Tell – Ali Martell, of Cheaper Than Therapy…another old school blogger with many friends and fans…but I felt her deeply on this one. It hit me in the feels.
Star Trek Coming to the Children’s Museum – Probably (not) a shocker, but I met Tony at a Star Wars event here in Indy. With our Geeking in common, I keep a close watch on him on Twitter and FB. He’s always got great local geeking tips…but most exciting of all is the arrival of Star Trek to TCMIndy!!
31 Days of Financial Decluttering – Cherie and I have been friends since the stone age of my blog…and hers. She’s as good a person inside as you’d think. Now we’re both authors, and one of us is debt free (hint: it’s not me!!). As I’m trying to accomplish that monumental task, I’m really enjoying these 31 days of Decluttering. They are taking a big task and putting it into 31 perfectly manageable little challenges so tat I’ve even been following along.
Once Choice – Liz is another local friend of mine that I’ve known for a while. I really enjoyed her New Years post this year and the simplicity of tackling one month at a time instead of the whole year.
Things that Were Very Much a Feed for 80s Girls – Yeah, I know…it’s one of THOSE big click-bait sort of blogs…but this post IS my childhood.
That’s it for now. I’m keeping my eye out for more. If you think I missed YOURS, let me know in a comment here! I’d love to find some new feeds for my reader!
by Sarah | Jan 9, 2019 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Book Reviews, I'm A Reader, Redefining Perfect
2018 was a pretty slow reading time for me. I only read 27 books, and most of them in the last few months. To keep from listing them all, since I’ve not done a list in a while, I’m going to highlight a few top reads for me.
Some may interest you, some may not. I hope it gives you at least a few ideas!!
Onto the post:
What I Read
[easyazon_link identifier=”0062797611″ locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]Kill the Queen[/easyazon_link]
I have had one of Estep’s books on my TBR for AGES…and it wasn’t this book. I should have read the other b/c that series has about 17 books in it already. This one? Well, only the first book is out and I’ll have to wait for the next…I’m not good at waiting…
But it was SO GOOD. The world building was spectacular. The heroine was awesome…a little broken, but learns to fight for herself…not because of a man in her life, but in spite of his presence. Some of it was predictable (hello, loverboy)…but much of it kept me not only guessing, but on the edge of my seat.
It’s not pretty…I mean, they are gladiators and there is death…at the hands of the heroine. She builds her own strength and with the help of others and her own grit, learns to use a power she’s long kept hidden.
I cannot wait for the second in the series and what it means for this intrepid band of gladiators and their new queen.
[easyazon_link identifier=”073875840X” locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]Tarot Elements[/easyazon_link]
*I received a copy of this book via netgalley. All opinions are my own*
Still available only as a pre-order (Release of March, 2019)…I suggest getting this one in print as soon as humanly possible. If you’re interested in tarot at all, if you’re interested in SELF HELP at all…this book is amazing at both.
Probably the first book I’d ever tag as “self-help for pagans”…it’s a great tool to, as the cover says, reset your life. The readings focus on you and your life and aren’t meant to be quickly breezed through. Some of the stuff that comes up will be ROUGH, and deep, and you’ll have to dig through the depths to face what you need to…but isn’t that what all good self-help books do?
I recommend it if you’re new to tarot (and if you are, add in Cynova’s other book, [easyazon_link identifier=”0738750778″ locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]Kitchen Table Tarot[/easyazon_link], which is so easy to read and so beautifully explains the cards you will carry it with you everywhere)…or if you’re experienced…or if you just need a good kick in the ass to get yourself out of your slump.
Written with Cynova’s brilliant ease with words, that come across like an old friend across the kitchen table (see what I did there?)…it’s an excellent read that really makes you think.
[easyazon_link identifier=”B01LW3WQ6K” locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]A Glimmer of Hope[/easyazon_link]
I got this as an Amazon First Read about 3 days before my netgalley approval. So technically, I should disclaimer that I got this via netgalley, but I started reading it before I got approved…so…anyway, all opinions are, as always, my own.
I’d never read any of the series this is a spinoff of, so I had no idea what I was getting into. I really bought it based on the cover.
I really ended up enjoying it. In fact, it makes me want to read the series this stemmed off of, as well as the rest of this series itself…and hope it lives up to this one.
The heroine was likable – although at a few points I did want to smack her…she did go through a huge, traumatic event so some of her wariness and unease was to be expected for sure.
The accompanying cast is fun, dangerous, and intriguing. I look forward to learning about them some more.
[easyazon_link identifier=”1250147905″ locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]The Hazel Wood[/easyazon_link]
Look at the gorgeous cover…it’s even more gorgeous in person as it shimmers and shines in the light. This is the reason I picked up the book…and I bought it because the blurb intrigued me.
This is the book that got me reading again. Not at first, as I started reading it in March of last year…and then promptly put it down for six months. Not because I wasn’t intrigued by it…but because life. Once I picked it up again, I finished it in a couple of days…devoured it is probably more apt.
The dark and twisted fairy tales played such a mind-bending part in the story it was amazing. The fairy tales that were spoken of reminded me of how dark the grimm fairy tales originally were before they were prettied up for film.
The MC was intriguing and I’m so glad that this book took a played out trope and turned it WAY on it’s head…something completely unexpected in a YA novel (not telling you what, for it’ll give it away).
This book is spine-tingling, nerve-wracking, exciting, and page-turning excitement. It’s a must read in my book.
[easyazon_link identifier=”0312360800″ locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]First Grave On The Right[/easyazon_link]
*I received this book via netgalley. All opinions are my own*
Confession – I first picked up this book to read quite a few years ago. Everything I’d heard about it made it seem like it was right up my alley. Here’s the thing…this cover I’m using? It’s not the normal cover. I use this cover because I cannot stand to look at the original for the mere fact that there is a bare foot on it. Yup. I had to take the book back to the library pretty quickly after taking it out that first time because I couldn’t stand to touch the cover that had a bare foot on it (podophobia is real, folks…it’s so real).
Soooo…fast forward to several weeks ago when Netgalley put the entire series up as a “read now” option – with the exception of book 13, which is soon to be released. I thought, maybe if it’s on my kindle and I don’t have to see the foot I can read it…and jumped on them. I’m so glad I did and took the chance.
As I’d suspected all along, these books were right up my alley. Charley is an amazing heroine. The book was clever, tension-filled, hilarious, and smart. I can’t wait to continue on the series (I do have all 13 now…woohoo!)
[easyazon_link identifier=”0399185798″ locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]The Princess Diarist (Audiobook)[/easyazon_link]
Whoosh…this was a rough one. Mostly in it Carrie Fisher makes several references to her, and her mothers, eventual demises…which happened a scant two years ago. Hearing such words in her own voice gave them a bittersweet pang that hit me in the heart strings hard.
All debate over the validity of her relationship with “Mr. Ford” can be had elsewhere, for I don’t care whether this was the recollections of a woman on a time that changed her life…or stories taken from the musings of a girl on the cusp of womanhood with a crush she dealt with through flowery, rhyming prose in diaries between takes on a movie she had no idea would one day very soon rocket her to stardom.
What I do care about is that the book was a lovely read, and a compelling look at what happened in a more innocent time before stardom…and the lap dances it led her to in the future long after her youthful days and dreams were gone.
It was a beautiful look inside a soul gone too soon.
What I’m Reading Now
[easyazon_link identifier=”0778324338″ locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]Poison Study[/easyazon_link]
This is a re-read for me. I initially read this book in 2012(!!) and loved it. I never continued on with the series, though. Either lack of interest in reading, or forgetting about it when I am reading, I can’t say.
What I can say is that this series, and the subsequent series after, keep showing up in my feeds on Goodreads, Facebook, Netgalley, you name it. Making subtle hints that I need to revisit it again.
So, I’ve picked the book back from the library and have already begun to re-read it. Odds are that I’ll get halfway through and remember the whole thing and have to put it down to skip to the next one, but maybe I won’t. Either way, I’m looking forward to getting back into this fascinating world.
[easyazon_link identifier=”0316264350″ locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]Conspiracy of Ravens[/easyazon_link]
Oh my, oh my…this is the sequel to a story I first read several years ago, and re-read in 2017 with the goal of continuing and never really have. It’s a fun series and I have not one excuse as to why I’ve never finished.
Well, on a recent library run I spotted the third book of the series on the shelf…and rushed to get this one. I have it on my kindle (thanks to netgalley)…but I’m hoping having the physical book, and a deadline, will get me moving on reading it past the first 10 pages.
Wish me luck.
I’m gonna need it. Time’s already running out and I haven’t started, too busy reading the book up there ^^.
[easyazon_link identifier=”1250005914″ locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]Second Grave on the Left[/easyazon_link]
Yuppers. I enjoyed book 1 so much, I’m ready to dive into book 2. I can’t wait to see what sort of trouble Charley gets herself into this time.
Also, more Reyes?
Oh, to have more time to read all the time.
[easyazon_link identifier=”B07C96XW1D” locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]Smoke & Summons[/easyazon_link]
You know those “must read” authors you find? The ones that…you don’t even read the blurb…you see the book and buy it?
Well, that’s Charlie Holmberg for me. Her Paper Magician series captivated me, so when this came up as a January Kindle First Read, I grabbed it without another thought.
So it’s a new add…but one I must read for sure.
Along with the rest of her books that I’ve stashed away to read.
I’m so glad I’m on a reading kick again. I have a LOT to catch up on. So stick around…more updates coming soon!
by Sarah | Jan 7, 2019 | All About Me, All of Us, I am a Geek, I Am Polish, I'm A Reader, I'm A Writer, Oola, Personal, Redefining Perfect, Story of Me, The Geek
Everyone puts a face on. They put out a persona on social media, or in real life, of who they want to be, how they want to be seen, a way they think people will like them. We’re extremely adaptable in that way. It’s not wrong, but sometimes we get lost in the shuffle.
I sure as hell did.
I’ve spent a lot of years chipping away at myself to mold myself in a way I thought I would fit. It started in 6th grade when the bullying started (another post for another time, but it was BAD)…and even today between my social anxiety and my chipping away at myself I’d become someone I didn’t recognize.
Oddly enough, the trigger point for me deciding to abandon this practice was the supreme court nominee and the subsequent uproar.
Let me tell you one thing, as a person who hates confrontation and is easily triggered into anxiety by political/religious discussions, discussions of assault, discussions of race…well, it’s a slow process to emerge from that tiny little shell I’d built for myself.
So here I am…taking a step to tell you who I REALLY am behind that facade I so carefully built.
I am a mother of three who sometimes feels completely inadequate as a mother.
I am a former dancer who misses the dance.
I am an author who writes sometimes dark, but always complex romance.
I was born and raised Republican in a suburb of Buffalo…but turned full on liberal in a gradual course that’s led me to not recognize how I could have been raised by such staunch Republicans.
Human kindness and decency win for me over greed and controlling – thus I = liberal.
I may be a part of a cult…okay, not really but for the first time in my life I tout that a self-help book changed my life (you know, that Oola thing)…because it HAS.
I am a Wiccan/Pagan who draws tarot cards and oracle cards. I have studied under a shaman I’m happy to call my friend and an Ojibwe Medicine Woman whose course has had another profound effect on my life. In the past several months I’ve made big steps forward in my faith and feel myself growing because of it.
^^I have ALWAYS hidden my religion unless I’ve felt truly “Safe”…because I live in the bible belt. My parents all but disowned me when they learned about my religious preference. I was raised without church, but my parents went bible-thumping crazy when we moved to Indiana. I joined them for a while but several events made me step back from that faith and find one that spoke to my soul.
I don’t care what your religious preference is, I care what sort of human you are. If you offer to pray for me or wish me a Merry Christmas, I am NOT offended. Love and support is welcome no matter the form.
I am a survivor of sexual assault. I was date-raped by my high school boyfriend on several occasions (including being forced to lose my virginity). I was being groomed by my aunt’s husband for who knows what. This is still VERY triggering for me.
I didn’t tell my mother until 15 years after the grooming about my uncle. It took two more years to tell my father. I’ve never told either about my high school boyfriend.
I love my kids beyond compare – and am way too easy on them sometimes, and way too hard at other times.
I believe my kids should follow their dreams and their happiness – not go to college just because it will “help” them. In fact, if it will send them into debt, I don’t see the point.
I have let things slide I never should have to make & keep friends. I’ve ignored racism, assault, and drama just to belong. Years of bullying left me desperate. I’m desperate no longer.
I’m learning that sometimes you just have to cut people out. I suck at it, but I’m learning.
I currently hate my body. I went from being harassed for being overly skinny, to not recognizing myself with the weight I’ve put on. I know it’s unhealthy to hate my body that’s done so much good (hello, three kids)…it’s just where I’m at. I’m working on it – and being healthier to take care of it. If I’m not treating my body like shit I could love a healthy size 10 or 12 or 14 instead of hating whatever size I am (I’m afraid to try anything on to find out what it actually is). I’m working out and eating better, but it’s baby steps to the elevator.
I am a GEEK. Seriously…Star Trek, Harry Potter, Star Wars…the things I was picked on for in high school are stupid popular in some ways now…or maybe I’ve found my geek tribe? Either way, I’m proud to be a geek.
I’m a sometimes voracious reader (154 books in 2017…only 26 in 2018…it’s a roller coaster), who will now read a wide variety of books. I used to hate non-fic, but I’ve found several that worked for me. I love my books.
I’ve raised my kids to be proud of their otherness, their weirdness. Though I’ve struggled with that outside feeling for so long…I’ve never wanted them to. It seems to be working.
I only hope it does. Because the world would be boring if my kids weren’t their weird, dark, geeky, glorious selves.
by Sarah | Jan 4, 2019 | 50 before 50, All About Denver, All About Erik, All About Family, All About Home, All About Kennedy, All About Me, All About Molly, All of Us, Bucket List, Community, Florida Dreaming, Oola, Personal, Redefining Perfect, Story of Me

Several years ago we decided that we wanted to leave the land of the midwest and journey south to Florida. Our son moved down two years ago, and his move rather cemented the idea in my head – and with a bit of nudging (or years, you know…potato/potahto), the husband was on board as well.
In 2017 we made actual plans to tackle our debt, get things in order to move in five years. 2022 seemed a good year. The girls would be nearly grown, and we could make our way down much more financially settled .
Eyes on the prize, we dug in. Lapses occurred, things bounced forward thanks to my new job, then went back again. You know, life. We did what we could.
Then, 2018 happened.
2018 brought about trigger points for many changes in our lives – and our future.
We found Oola in late 2017 and used it in 2018 to refocus our goals.
A slimy, underhanded, jerk of a man bought land on our quiet street and plans to build as many rentals as he can.
We were told in no uncertain terms to go for it.
Relationships in our life took turns.
Most of all – we got tired of waiting to chase our goal, and decided to make a mad grab for it.
In June we sat down and had a good long talk and decided we didn’t want to stay here any longer. We decided we were done waiting for our life to happen. We decided to go for broke and make the leap.
With a target date of mid-2019, we’ve set things in motion to move. In some ways we still don’t know how. Finding a job in another state, in a low level position is NOT easy. I’ve been at it six months, so I know. I took the holidays off, but come next week I’ll be back at it hard, with two letters of reference in hand to help boost my resume. I’m going in full bore. The husband is going in full bore.
This is going to happen one way or the other.
2019 is the year of redefining so many things in my life…but the biggest is how we’re going to redefine our future by no longer staying where we’re comfortable. We’re breaking out of our comfort zone. It’s terrifyingly exciting.