by Sarah | Apr 24, 2013 | A to Z Challenge, All About Me, Random, Special Needs
Fear stalks me.
Like a lion stalks its prey.
It inches forward.
Fear that they will get sick.
Fear that I won’t be strong enough.
I’m the silver lining girl.
But sometimes the lion of fear pounces.
On the days I’m smiling my brightest.
Is when most often, it’s devouring me most.
When I wonder how I will go on.
But I do.
The silver lining reappears.
The lion falls back.
And begins to stalk me again.
The A-Z Challenge has over 1900 participants, all blogging from A to Z this month. Check them out and see if you can’t find a few new favorites!!
by Sarah | Apr 23, 2013 | A to Z Challenge, Random
Time wasted is existence; used is life. ~Edward Young
When you’re growing up, you wish to be older.
Time crawls.
You can’t do this, you can’t do that, you aren’t old enough.
I tell my kids all the time not to wish it away.
Next thing you know, you blink and the things you loved are gone.
Moments you had have passed.
You’ve wished away so much that you can’t get back.
I hope they never just exist.
I hope they live.
The A-Z Challenge has over 1900 participants, all blogging from A to Z this month. Check them out and see if you can’t find a few new favorites!!
by Sarah | Apr 22, 2013 | A to Z Challenge, All of Us, Random
S is for Smiles…because, what else?
(The teen is noticeably absent b/c he mostly refuses me permission to take his picture)
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The A-Z Challenge has over 1900 participants, all blogging from A to Z this month. Check them out and see if you can’t find a few new favorites!!
by Sarah | Apr 21, 2013 | All About Learning, Blogging Life, Earth Day Indiana, Indiana Family of Farmers
My kids in school every year learn something about Earth Day.
Most often, I’m brought home acres of paper about the importance of recycling (which I find ironic), and usually a planted seed of some form.
It never feels like enough.
This year there is a great event we plan on attending.
Earth Day Indiana is on April 27th from 11AM-4PM at White River State Park.
It’s FREE.
Did you hear that part?
Over 130 exhibits from cleaner fuel to wildlife protection will span the event. With all of that, there has to be something that will suit everyone in your family.
One of the proud sponsors of the event – Indiana’s Family of Farmers – will have two booths at the event.
The ever-popular “Wheel of Ag” encourages visitors to learn more about how Indiana’s farm families work hard on their farms to be good stewards of our land. A variety of farm families from across the state will be on hand to answer questions about their farms.
Then, in the Children’s Tent, IFOF will help kids plant popcorn in biodegradable CowPots to celebrate the “Year of Popcorn” at the Indiana State Fair. How fun is that? I know my girls will be totally excited to plant popcorn!
So if you’re in Indy, pack up the family and head out for the event. There’s going to be so much to do, you’ll be disappointed when the day is over.
*Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by the IFOF. As an IFOF Ambassador I receive compensation for this post. As always, my opinions are quite certainly my own as I would only willingly trade in my true thoughts for about a gazillion dollars and a private island supplied with wifi, a stocked library, and my own personal plastic surgeon (so my lazy butt wouldn’t have to work or diet for that better body I dream of). I can promise, none of that was supplied in this case.
by Sarah | Apr 20, 2013 | A to Z Challenge, All About Me, Random
I started young.
With that book there.
In fact my first nightmare at the age of 2 involved me ripping up my favorite book in my crib. I screamed.
From there it grew to voracious tendencies.
Always with my nose in a book.
Escaping to other worlds was a wonderful thing to do.
To this day I’m still a reader.
Granted, I go through spurts of non-reading, but then I more than make up for it.
Right now I’m actively reading about 4 books, with several others.
I’m still nothing like the husband.
He’s a speed reader.
Lucky bastard.
The A-Z Challenge has over 1900 participants, all blogging from A to Z this month. Check them out and see if you can’t find a few new favorites!!
by Sarah | Apr 19, 2013 | A to Z Challenge, All About Me, Random
Thought I’d have a little fun. I can’t remember where I saw this list of questions, but I snagged it and it’s sat in my drafts forever…so I thought there was no better time to haul out random odd questions than for Q day!
Do you have any strange phobias?
YES. I’m terrified of (okay, really more disgusted by) FEET. I totally have podophobia. My husband uses it to torment me on a regular basis. Well, he used to, he’s been very nice the past couple of years.
Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
Uh…definitely clothed. Although my hot-flashes would probably appreciate the other way…
If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
Sitting and reading, soaking in the sun.
Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
Oooh, tough call. I don’t have a favorite anymore. I listen to so many different kinds of music that I can’t narrow it down. Although, if you’d asked me this 25 years ago I would have screamed NKOTB…
Do you believe in karma?
Yes. Absolutely.
Who is your celebrity crush?
HUGH. Is there anyone else but Hugh Jackman? Really? Where? Huh…sorry, all I see is HUGH.
What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
Hate: Musica Maxima. Something else my husband torments me with…he even saved it to a CD when we got rid of our old computer because the new one didn’t have it.
I still love the sound of rain…even as it’s currently destroying our crawl space, I still love the sound of a good thunderstorm.
Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
EAST coast. I’m a Buffalo baby…and I lived in Maryland for a while and would cruise up the 3 hours to NYC whenever I could. I may live in the midwest now and be a reluctant Hoosier…but I’m and East Coast all the way.
What was the last book you read?
I read multiple books at once. So I just finished two, and have a few more on my reader. What I just finished was:
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince – I’ve been re-reading the whole series.
Aces Wild by Fiona Druce. She’s one of my critique partners and write’s some hilarious stuff.
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Totally. I remember how I used to hang my head out the window at the gas station when mom filled up the tank.
Do you have any nicknames?
Sadie. In high school I had the nickname Gerbil.
What was the last movie you saw?
Um…Oh, crap. Unfortunately it was The Sessions. Not impressed. It wasn’t bad, but…not impressed.
Before that it was the newest Star Trek. Sometime this weekend it will be Galaxy Quest (I love that damn movie)
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
That would be the ankle sprain. I’ve sprained the same ankle in the exact same way three times, every nine years from the age of 18. It sucks.
What’s the last thing you purchased?
Supplies to make some book swag. Outside of that, it would be books for the kindle and nook.
Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
Nope. I do not have a talented tongue.
Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
Unfortunately, yes. I hate pink, but there are a pair of lightweight dumbbells and one pink envelope from something.
What’s your favorite animal?
Horses. Hubs thinks they’re mean and nasty but I always loved horses. As far as pets go, I totally dig dogs.
What were you doing last night at 12 AM?
I was finishing Aces Wild and watching TV (I multitask)
What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
1985 by Bowling for Soup.
What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
Uh…the single best? Nope, can’t do it. I can’t pick out one ultimate best decision…oh, wait I can, but can’t elaborate on it. So I’ll just say it was to be a mom.
What’s the last song you listened to?
Lithium by Evanescence
What is your current desktop picture?
The same one it’s been for years. My first ever perfect full moon shot. This one here:

You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
Any 30 minutes with my grandparents back in New York would work. I miss them terribly some days.
You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
Colorado, I think. If all I have is the plane ticket and just the one, Colorado. So beautiful. But if we’re talking all around trip for the family, it’s obviously going to be Disney World.
The A-Z Challenge has over 1900 participants, all blogging from A to Z this month. Check them out and see if you can’t find a few new favorites!!