by Sarah | May 2, 2019 | All About Family, All of Us, Blogging Life, Disney, DisneyTips, Redefining Perfect, Universal
I haven’t been to Disney hundreds of times (yet. Give me a couple years), but I’ve been my fair share.
I’ve done it with crazy intensity, and in a casual jaunt.
I’ve done Disneyland (finally), and Disney World.
I’ve picked up a few tips along the way. And while there are blogs across the web, I wanted to hand out my own Disney advice I’ve learned along the way, and tips I’ll be learning as I begin to go more frequently.
This months tip isn’t anything new if you’ve been in the past few years, but I still think it’s worth a mention. We’ve sure appreciated it on multiple occasions.
Use Disney’s Mobile Ordering for your quick-service meals.
When you’re trying to pack everything you can into a Disney day – the last thing you want to do is spend half an hour in a line ordering and waiting for food at a quick-service restaurant. Even if it is air conditioned, and themed, often there’s plenty more you’d rather be doing than waiting to satisfy the rumbling in your tummy.
Mobile ordering was a huge plus for us on our last couple of trips. While we weren’t as rushed to get through ALL the things because we’d been several times, it was nice to expedite what could be a long delay for the next thing.
I’ve already mentioned that we are notoriously bad at remembering to eat while in the parks. Mobile ordering lets us scan our app at the first pangs of hunger to see what we want along our route and order it in advance.
The handy thing about mobile ordering is that you can order it when you’re waiting in line, or on the other side of the park. You’ll be given a generous enough time frame during which you can pick up your order – but don’t worry that doesn’t mean they’re making it yet! Nope. They won’t start making the order until you click the “I’m here!” button in your Disney app. They’ll make it fresh and you’ll pick it up at the easily spotted “Mobile Order Pick Up” window.
You can find your seat, get your family situated and you’ll get a notification on your app that your meal is ready, then pick up and dine away.
Know what is awesome? Especially on those really hot days?
<<—–It’s available for grabbing your Dole Whip!!!
Oh yeah, baby…
That’s a stop we make a LOT.
I mean, it’s Dole Whip – and Aloha Isle is right by the silly-fun Jungle Cruise!
by Sarah | Apr 29, 2019 | All About Denver, All About Erik, All About Family, All About Home, All About Kennedy, All About Me, All About Molly, All About Ripley, All of Us, Blogging Life, Disney, Disney Mom, Florida Dreaming, Oola, Redefining Perfect, Universal, Universal Studios Mom
*disclaimer* I am writing this over a week before publication. All information is subject to change. I’ll try to update if that happens, but I’m packing and moving and all the things…sooo…
It’s been over a month since the last update and a LOT has happened.
I mean, a LOT.
After months of a lot of nothing and nowhere interviews…I had a great interview about two weeks ago that led to a job offer.
My notice has been turned in at work, I’ve worked my last day, Erik has turned in his notice.
I’m on a packing, cleaning, planning, freaking out, ecstatic, so much to do rampage…all while trying to spend time with hubby and kids before I go…
Yeah, before I go. The kids are still in school so Erik & the girls won’t be down for another month after I head down.
That means I get a month to explore, learn the ropes, and FIND A HOUSE.
Yeah, no house yet. No job for hubby yet either.
It’s gonna be a squeeze, but I know it’s going to pan out.
It’s time to move on, out of Indiana.
My target was June, 2019.
My entire family will be in Florida in June, 2019.
I love it when a plan comes together.
by Sarah | Apr 28, 2019 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Gratitude, Redefining Perfect
As part of my Oola journey, I’m making an effort to be more grateful. My daily planner has a place specifically labeled for Gratitude. I’d like to spread some of that love here, too.
I am grateful for –
Fixed blogs.
Big hugs.
Friendly cat.
House to myself for 48 hours.
Evening walks.
Earth reading.
A month in FL to explore.
Charter school.
Last days.
One last game.
One last night.
Two teens.
Jobs obtained.
Boxes packed.
House buyer.
Going home.
by Sarah | Apr 17, 2019 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Book Reviews, I'm A Reader, Redefining Perfect, Wordy Wednesday
I thought about doing one book per recommendation post – but then changed my mind.
I’m going to recommend One, one, and one every month. The genres may change, but it lends some variety.
This week we’re going to look at Series that I recommend. One YA, One Graphic Novel, One Romance.
Oh, don’t look so surprised…or are you looking annoyed?
Either way – stop.
Call it the gateway drug, call it what you want, but I’ve read it like 7 times, which is still not as many as the Little House books, but it’s a lot for someone that never re-reads books. Like, ever.
I was late to this party. Seriously. I’d heard plenty about it, even given book one to my son in a desperate attempt to get him interested in reading (it didn’t work, FWIW). However, I never picked them up. That long-mentioned tendency toward not liking things that are immensely popular.
Then, we got free tickets for a pre-screening of The Goblet of Fire in the theaters. Arguably, not the best book or movie, BUT it was my introduction into the series and it excited hubby and I both enough to leave the theater saying “We have GOT to read these books…”
And so we did.
Unfortunately, only 5 books were out at the time. While I breezed through and loved the first four books, I hit a road block. It took me almost a year to read that super-depressing Order of the Phoenix, and then book 6 was out, but then I had to wait a year for book 7…and by then I’d forgotten many of the characters and it lost all magic.
Several years later, though…that’s when I had some time to sit down and read them all in order without stopping. It took 2 weeks but I finally “got” it.
That’s a long way of saying I can’t recommend them enough. It’s a magical world you never want to end. While people scrambling for more has led to some intriguing theories, and stories, it’s also led to some questionable ones.
But the initial 7. They are classic. The time and effort spent building the world, the magic, everything. I will forever read and re-read these books in both print and audio form. They hold all my love and the love of so many others. If you haven’t read them, give them a shot. They may not be your cup of tea, and that’s okay…but at least you tried.

Okay, there are 8 books in this series currently, despite only having 4 pictured.
This is a series that both my girls and I devoured like it was water and we were stranded in the desert.
There are many things to enjoy about the series. The story itself is riddled with magic, technology, mystery and some fun characters along for the ride with out heroine, Emily.
It’s definitely a fun series both kids and adults can enjoy. I highly recommend it for your kids – and for you.
Okay, to be honest I personally only REALLY enjoyed half of these. However, that was personal preference based on the story type more than anything.
The series as a whole is great. Each book is written by a different author for a different season. Each book takes the Beauty and the Beast story and revises it in a modern take using various paranormal tropes from shifters to monsters to plain old magic.
I really enjoyed the modern, paranormal take on the classic story. The series really brought to light how four different authors can take the same base story and put their own, unique spin on it.
side note: These are labeled erotic, and they each definitely have some racy scenes in them. It’s well worth it for the fun ride, though. Trust me. 😉
Those are my recommendations for this month! Hope you enjoyed.
What are some of your favorite books? I love adding to my TBR.
by Sarah | Apr 14, 2019 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Gratitude, Redefining Perfect
As part of my Oola journey, I’m making an effort to be more grateful. My daily planner has a place specifically labeled for Gratitude. I’d like to spread some of that love here, too.
I am grateful for –
Evening walks.
Free hugs.
La-Z-Boy knitting.
Hawk medicine.
Screening calls.
Cat snuggles.
Interviews scheduled.
Giraffe medicine.
2 poofs down.
Quick to fall asleep.
Blog posts written.
Will power.
Earth reading.
Amazon treats.
Big hugs.
House to myself for a weekend.
Friendly cat.
95% done.
Tackled to-do list.
Happy mail.
Sharing the oola.
Conversations with adult children.
Empty closets.
Vision boards.
by Sarah | Apr 12, 2019 | 50 before 50, All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Bucket List, Gratitude, Oola, Pagan Me Happy, Personal, Pour Your Heart Out, Redefining Perfect
I have this friend that every time we talk, something profound comes out of it. Even if I tackle her with an inane conversation, or I just message to give her a boost or vice versa. Maybe it’s that she’s a shaman, or maybe it’s that sometimes I need to chatter my face off to find a message sometimes, who knows?
Over the course of several months she’d been having a rough time. Between living in the middle of a desert, the government shutdown affecting them, and missing Christmas, she was…stressed.
However, for the same amount of months she’d been talking about the biggest message she’d been receiving in all of her studies, card readings, spirit messages…it was always SURRENDER.
We were discussing the difficulties she was having, the tension she felt, everything all in a nutshell. I was letting her vent, really….when I made the offhand comment:
It’s hard to surrender when you’re holding your breath.
We both kind of stopped right there. It was a big “Whoa” moment for us as we read and re-read the words I’d just typed.
Apparently as much as she needed to hear them, I did as well…because I realized that I’d been doing the same thing, for MONTHS. With the hope and anticipation and this sense of NEEDING to go home to Florida, I’d built up so many levels of tension in all of it. Some days I couldn’t breathe for all of it.
Do you know how important it is to breathe? Not just for the fact that it keeps you alive…I’m not talking about that breath, really. I’m talking about holding our soul’s breath.
It holds our souls captive. It locks them in a cage and hides them away from what could well be the next miracle around the corner.
Right now.
Stop. Whatever it is you’re doing, stop.
Release the tension you’re carrying in your shoulders, your jaw, your neck, your heart.
Breathe out long and slow in release.
Explore what’s causing that tension.
Where are you going? What are you doing? What’s the biggest anxiety in your brain?
Surrender it.
Turn it over to whatever God, Goddess, Nothingness you wish. Give it over to the universe.
Nope. It’s not easy.
It’ll come back to haunt you. To put those knots back in your shoulders.
To hold your brain hostage.
To nag at your sense of peace.
But when it does, you have a weapon.
You let it go.
You breathe.
You release.
You surrender.
Stop holding your breath.