Weekly Winners – 8/23-8/29/10


All taken w/ Canon Rebel XTi.
For week 8/15-8/21/10

Perfect Pluot
These were so delicious in a cobbler

Run Forrest!!

Finish Forrest!!

FLIRT Forrest!!!

Reach for the sky

Simply Handsome
Not one lick of editing except for size on this sucker. Is my nephew, “Poochee”.

Check out the rest of the weekly winners over at Lotus‘ place!!

Weekly Winners – Flutterby’s, Fairs and Fabulous Hair


All taken w/ Canon Rebel XTi.
For week 8/15-8/21/10

Many pictures this week. I got very camera happy.

Angel & I went to the local park and took a walk along some of the trails.  While there we happened upon a little hidden area in the trails that had a ton of butterfly’s and dragonfly’s!!  Here’s just a few of my absolute fav’s:

In Flight

Kissing Cousins

Glorious Green

Then Archie & I went to the fair to see a show…

Lights on the Midway

Hilariously Fabulous w/ a Guitar


With Walter

And Achmed

Peanut, of course

JOSE (On a stick)

And a special treat. A new act, DIANE (loved her!!)

Jeff put on a GREAT show, we LOVED him!!  So glad we bought the tickets soon as we saw that he was coming to Indy!!

And the last few pics, I promise….


Fabulous Ribbons

Fabulous Fun Locks

Okay, that’s it!!  For this week, at least!!  Been taking a lot more pictures, so narrowing them down is getting harder…although I might have done better this week if I didn’t want to get all of Jeff in there!  I would have had more, because I met with some great blogging ladies tonight, but I’m saving that for another post!

For more Weekly Winners, head over to Lotus‘ and enjoy!!

Weekly Winners – Just Breathe


All taken w/ Canon Rebel XTi.
For week 7/12-7/18/10

This week was crazy bad (see previous post), but it also had some good things. Today is my birthday and I want it to be good, so I’m trying to remind myself to just breathe and remember the good things. These pictures help.
I did attempt to re-start project 365 this week, but I forgot on Thursday (worst day) and decided to try again next week, so hopefully that will be happening in the next few weeks. I want to get ahead of the game by a week.
I also got a new photo-editing/managing software program this week. I’m wishing I could afford the pro version when it’s time to buy, but I’m afraid it’ll not be happening this year. Either way, I’m loving my new editing software and will tell you more about soon. It’s my new best friend.

Onto the pictures!

Waiting on a train

Spanning the distance

Bridging the Gap

Lines Across the Times

Tying it all Together

Lost along the Way

Pretty Hair for a Special Day

(This was the test that determined if she stayed home or was checked in. She just had to breathe well. She didn’t, but she breathed better than last time.  That’s my Angel’s RT in the picture with her. She always makes it fun for Angel!)

It’s a lot this week, I know…but Sunday was a good photography day. I ran out and took a little photo walk, thus the railroad theme for most of it.

Go over and visit Lotus for some more great WW’s!!!

Murphy can just go to hell…

acEver had one of those days? How about one of those weeks? Months? Years?

I’m in the middle of one of those weeks.  Coming about 4 weeks after one of those months…which is turning this into one of those years.

Let’s focus on this week.

My birthday is coming up (this Sunday).  For the past several years my bday has not been anything spectacular, and in some cases it’s flat out stunk. Not sure why, I just haven’t had the birthday Gods on my side or something.  This year is proving to be no exception.

In one week we’ve had a trifecta of appliance crap, been overcharged by WalMart Eye Center, and lost the ability to finish my deck for my bday (all I wanted for it), oh and the plants I purchased for it are pretty much dead (my fault, I shouldn’t have bought them until it was done.).

First, over the weekend the fridge died.  Freezer worked fine, fridge wouldn’t cool.  Appliance repair guy came on Wed.  Assured me w/ the statement, “It’s a $45 part.”  Then proceeded to charge me an hours labor for a 30 minute job (that’s $60, mind you), AND $40 to defrost my fridge with what sounded suspiciously like a hair dryer.

Thursday morning I went to give my two little stinky angels a bath. Oldest was washing dishes.  All of a sudden, there was no hot water. Well, crap.

I pull open the utility closet and the pilot’s out on the water heater.  At least, I think that’s the problem.  If it wasn’t, it sure became the problem when I turned the whole thing off.  Archie came home and re-lit the thing and we have hot water again.  We just aren’t sure how or why the pilot went out and hope it’s not going to crap out again all too soon.

Not four hours later I stepped outside and the Air Conditioner sounded really loud. Thinking it was odd I walked on over to find the fan not spinning.


On our side for that one is our neighbor is an AC guy and he came over to take a look.

But seriously?

Why does Murphy hate my birthday so much?  Or, for that matter, me?  I didn’t do anything to him.

Well, he can go to Hell.  I’m taking my birthday OFF.  I’m not going near an appliance, a vehicle, my computer, nothing that can break. I’m staying in bed and pretending it doesn’t exist.  I’m really tired of this crap storm.


P.S. For those who haven’t seen me on twitter or FB, here’s the Angel update –

SHE’S HOME!!  No hospital stay for us!  Just as suspected, we are now officially, 100% w/o a doubt a CF family. You do not get psuedomnas if you don’t have CF.  The culture results will NOT send us into the hospital, but if they are positive we will be starting a lifetime regimen of one month on/one month off on the TOBI (inhaled antibiotic through nebulizer – very expensive stuff)…but we won’t know that for a week.  I’ll keep you posted!

P.P.S. I’ve been trying to get back into 365 by getting a week in advance done.  I’m afraid I missed yesterday w/ all the stuff going on…so it’ll be another week or two before I get those started again – but I will be participating in Weekly Winners again this week. Have a few pictures to put in once they’re edited. I have a trial version of a new photo manager/editor that I LOVE and plan to buy once we have the money. I’ll tell you about it later.

P.P.P.S. I actually have a bit to post about…but have been trying to skip days until I got more to write.  I may just blow off that idea and do a random post of stuff. Who knows….

Weekly Winners – Going Buggy


All taken w/ Canon Rebel XTi.
For week 7/4-7/11/10

I’m not obsessed w/ cloud pictures…really

Striking a Pose

The Eyes Have It

World’s Messiest Eater Present

She’ll Be Here Soon


It’s been a LONG time since I participated, but it’s good to be back!!

For more great photos, go over to see Lotus!!


I have been curled up on the couch fighting a scratchy throat, stuffy nose cold ick and been totally uninspired to post.  It is only the commitment I made to do 365 that made me lift my camera yesterday (at 10:50, mind you…just after I took the Tylenol PM that would soon send me crashing into a deep slumber).  So in lieu of a real post bemoaning our visit to the Orthopedist a few days ago, you get 3 of my 365 pictures and maybe tomorrow I’ll be refreshed to write a real post.

“I can do it myself.”


Beware of the person who can’t be bothered by details.
~ William Feather

Tea is a cup of life.  ~Author Unknown

Funny enough, the picture taken as I was passing out from my cold and drugs is my favorite so far of the year.  Of course, I love that mug that I was drinking my tea from.

Hopefully in the next few days I’ll be up to posting about the other stuff going on. Our trip to the Ortho.  The breakdown of a pre-teens freedom into servitude and restriction.

For now I give in to my headache while my daughters eat each other as I wait for Archie to return home from work to make a grocery list and leave again.