Since it’s been three weeks (how did THAT happen?)…I wanted to come back with a powerful post. Since some items are a powder-keg around here, I decided to change my tactic to light-hearted (sort of) randomness…because I love me some randomness. Are you ready for this? I have so much random items I may have to split it into multiple random-gasms. Yup, I went there…
~First and foremost I MUST blog this. It should have been blogged last week. I don’t know how days pass so quick anymore. I joined a group of awesomeness that is writing a story-blog. Each person takes a chapter and the story evolves in a fun and random fashion (yup, love me some random). So, please visit us over at …And What Happens Then… I’ll be the last person to post in this first story, but come on over and enjoy those before me! (P.S. Full credit for the idea and getting us all moving goes to the awesome Tara!)
~Last week I pulled a classic klutz move. In trying to be helpful I fell into our crawlspace entrance hole. I damaged myself. It didn’t feel good. So I spent a weekend pissing and moaning. Yup, I did. Got over it and am almost all better. Still have a lingering bruise on my knee, but seeing how it started, it’s not a surprise.
~ I was doing really well on an exercise kick, but then I got a cold and then fell into the hole…so it sort of went by the way-side. Going to try to get back on that this week. Kick start my 200 sit-ups challenge and work w/ my Wii Fit. I didn’t sign up for my yoga class again this time around. Money was tight and the deadline has passed. Plan on putting some aside for the next go-round. I really enjoyed that. Maybe I should start walking. I’d bike, but I don’t have one. I’d like one (I know, this is where hubby tells me again to use his…)
~ Two of my three kids started school yesterday. Brandon is now a 7th grader w/ AP Math & English, a full period for Band, and did I mention SEVENTH grade? How is that possible? Boy do I feel old. Riley started kindergarten. That’s all I’ll say about that (one of the hot-button issues around here). Instead, I’ll show these pics of her first day.
~ I’ve already started Christmas shopping. Almost makes me sick. But, considering the past several years we try to get it all at once and then we have no money…I figure a little here, a little there in the next few months will make it less painful in the end. I hope.
~ I’ve been continuing to write. On that note, my husband has started as well. He’s good. I’m jealous. Not that I’m horrible, but he’s GOOD. *sigh*
~ We gave Brandon our old desktop. He’s already lost use of it (less than a week in). Instead of coming to us to say there was an issue he randomly hit keys, then unplugged it and decided hitting F11 (restore) was a GREAT idea. So everything got wiped off the computer…AGAIN. So, until I actually get around to sitting down and fixing it/restoring lost programs, he’s w/o a computer. Then new ground rules will be set.
~Bored yet? Yeah, I know…sorry.
~I’ve been knitting. A lot. I go through phases…this one has hit again. Not complaining, just always catches me off-guard.
~ We got Netflix again. Between having it on the Wii, the DVD player, and our computers…we may never get cable again. All cable packages suck anyway and every show I want to see can be found online in some way anyway. Why pay so much?
~ I’m so into doing my girls hair now that I can. I’m dreaming of the day it is thicker (They both have very thin hair thanks to their past/current growth issues), but we’re getting by pretty well even as it is. It’s so much fun 😀
Okay. I will stop boring you for now. I have to check out my assignment lists for MamaKat’s again. If I remember my email I don’t remember anything that REALLY caught my fancy this week. I may have to pull out one of her past ones…maybe I’ll make a bucket list this week. I’ve always wanted to do that anyway.
So how have you all been? You look fabulous. Although some of you look a little groggy still…were you partying too hard at BlogHer again? Tsk tsk…aw hell, I would’ve done the same. You still look fabulous!
All taken w/ Canon Rebel XTi.
For week 7/12-7/18/10
This week was crazy bad (see previous post), but it also had some good things. Today is my birthday and I want it to be good, so I’m trying to remind myself to just breathe and remember the good things. These pictures help.
I did attempt to re-start project 365 this week, but I forgot on Thursday (worst day) and decided to try again next week, so hopefully that will be happening in the next few weeks. I want to get ahead of the game by a week.
I also got a new photo-editing/managing software program this week. I’m wishing I could afford the pro version when it’s time to buy, but I’m afraid it’ll not be happening this year. Either way, I’m loving my new editing software and will tell you more about soon. It’s my new best friend.
Onto the pictures!
Waiting on a train
Spanning the distance
Bridging the Gap
Lines Across the Times
Tying it all Together
Lost along the Way
Pretty Hair for a Special Day
JUST B-R-E-A-T-H-E (This was the test that determined if she stayed home or was checked in. She just had to breathe well. She didn’t, but she breathed better than last time. That’s my Angel’s RT in the picture with her. She always makes it fun for Angel!)
It’s a lot this week, I know…but Sunday was a good photography day. I ran out and took a little photo walk, thus the railroad theme for most of it.
Go over and visit Lotus for some more great WW’s!!!
Ever had one of those days? How about one of those weeks? Months? Years?
I’m in the middle of one of those weeks. Coming about 4 weeks after one of those months…which is turning this into one of those years.
Let’s focus on this week.
My birthday is coming up (this Sunday). For the past several years my bday has not been anything spectacular, and in some cases it’s flat out stunk. Not sure why, I just haven’t had the birthday Gods on my side or something. This year is proving to be no exception.
In one week we’ve had a trifecta of appliance crap, been overcharged by WalMart Eye Center, and lost the ability to finish my deck for my bday (all I wanted for it), oh and the plants I purchased for it are pretty much dead (my fault, I shouldn’t have bought them until it was done.).
First, over the weekend the fridge died. Freezer worked fine, fridge wouldn’t cool. Appliance repair guy came on Wed. Assured me w/ the statement, “It’s a $45 part.” Then proceeded to charge me an hours labor for a 30 minute job (that’s $60, mind you), AND $40 to defrost my fridge with what sounded suspiciously like a hair dryer.
Thursday morning I went to give my two little stinky angels a bath. Oldest was washing dishes. All of a sudden, there was no hot water. Well, crap.
I pull open the utility closet and the pilot’s out on the water heater. At least, I think that’s the problem. If it wasn’t, it sure became the problem when I turned the whole thing off. Archie came home and re-lit the thing and we have hot water again. We just aren’t sure how or why the pilot went out and hope it’s not going to crap out again all too soon.
Not four hours later I stepped outside and the Air Conditioner sounded really loud. Thinking it was odd I walked on over to find the fan not spinning.
On our side for that one is our neighbor is an AC guy and he came over to take a look.
But seriously?
Why does Murphy hate my birthday so much? Or, for that matter, me? I didn’t do anything to him.
Well, he can go to Hell. I’m taking my birthday OFF. I’m not going near an appliance, a vehicle, my computer, nothing that can break. I’m staying in bed and pretending it doesn’t exist. I’m really tired of this crap storm.
P.S. For those who haven’t seen me on twitter or FB, here’s the Angel update –
SHE’S HOME!! No hospital stay for us! Just as suspected, we are now officially, 100% w/o a doubt a CF family. You do not get psuedomnas if you don’t have CF. The culture results will NOT send us into the hospital, but if they are positive we will be starting a lifetime regimen of one month on/one month off on the TOBI (inhaled antibiotic through nebulizer – very expensive stuff)…but we won’t know that for a week. I’ll keep you posted!
P.P.S. I’ve been trying to get back into 365 by getting a week in advance done. I’m afraid I missed yesterday w/ all the stuff going on…so it’ll be another week or two before I get those started again – but I will be participating in Weekly Winners again this week. Have a few pictures to put in once they’re edited. I have a trial version of a new photo manager/editor that I LOVE and plan to buy once we have the money. I’ll tell you about it later.
P.P.P.S. I actually have a bit to post about…but have been trying to skip days until I got more to write. I may just blow off that idea and do a random post of stuff. Who knows….
Angel goes in for her checkup after her rounds of antibiotics. It’s time to pay the piper. There are three possible scenarios after today.
1. Her lung functions have not gone up – hospital admittance, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
2. Her lung functions are up – go home. Get a call in a week that her sputum culture results are bad and we need to check into the hospital.
3. Her lung functions are up – go home. No further issues.
Now, obviously I want #3 to happen. I want her lung functions up and I don’t want a call in a week ordering us back in. I want her to be clear.
I fear the worst.
Stress for Archie and I is high today.
So I turn to a show I never watch, to find a pair of beautiful young women to inspire me and give me hope. Two sisters, Ali and Christina, both with CF (in a family of 4 children, all of whom have CF) – SINGING on America’s Got Talent. They give me joy, they give me hope, and they put me in tears every time.
*Otherwise titled “The post in which I piss people off.”
From the time our troubles started, from the time we first realized there was just something ‘off’ about Riley. From the day We realized Angel’s torticollis was more than just a lazy neck and a heavy head. From the day we realized Angel’s cough was going for a month and showed no signs of letting up. From the first time Angel intentionally injured herself. From the first toys Riley lined up. Every day, every night, every in between we are aware. We notice when Angel runs out of steam before she’s played for ten minutes. We notice when Riley is starting to retreat into her shell. When we’re in danger of a meltdown of epic proportions. In danger of a night of a screaming, pouting, angry Riley.
We notice it all.
We see it in the every day.
We see it in the little things.
Every action, every reaction.
It’s a part of our lives. It is our every day.
Then you come along and say “But she looks just fine to me.” Or “She doesn’t seem autistic.” And of course the “She doesn’t act sick.”
I know you mean well. Really, I do.
But I hate it when you say that.
It’s like you’re belittling our every day.
The hours at doctors and specialists. The hours calming and refocusing an over-stimulated child (longest meltdown stands at 36 hours). The hours a day hooked up to machines to live every day. The way I lay awake at night listening to labored breathing. Check temperatures every time we feel a little warm.
I know you don’t mean it this way. I know you just mean to say that despite their troubles they look healthy and happy. That unlike other children with special needs it’s not a visible/noticeable difference.
But I hate it.
Just say they’re beautiful. Say they have a great smile. They look like they’re having a blast.
Don’t contradict what we KNOW. Riley does have autism (no matter how mild). Angel does have CF, and right now she is sick (and we spend every day wondering just how badly it’s holding on).
It is our every day.
We try to live life beyond our labels – and we only succeed by accepting them and integrating what they mean into our lives.
This used to be my escape. My me time was being on the computer so much that I wore down the keys.
I’m a homebody.
A computer/internet addict.
I’m well aware of my problem, and even though the first step to recovery may be admitting you have a problem…it didn’t help me.
Once everyone is in bed, this is still my escape. I come here every night in the quiet of my house. I write into the wee hours of the morning. Not blog posts, obviously since I’ve been so lax around here. I write stories. Dream of publication. All while ignoring my blog. I’ve sort of tied my avoidance of posting into the appearance of my parents on facebook, and everyone and my brother knowing my blog exists. A very public form of stage fright, if you will. I’m trying to get over it. I miss my blog. I hope to be back here more often. That’s why I prettied the place up (loving my new layout 😀 ).
My husband doesn’t like my computer, or my internet. For many years it’s been the cause of issues. Because my BFF is online. Because I spend so many hours on it. Because I don’t make my escape to the ‘real world’. The relationships I formed with other bloggers or non-bloggers online did not count as socialization. He doesn’t get the camaraderie. He might not ever understand. But that’s another post entirely.
In an effort to get along better with my husband (and rest my eyes and carpal-tunnel’d wrists), and to ‘get a life’ – whatever that means, I have started to venture out of the house.
I’d joined a playgroup when the girls were young – but always balked at taking out two young’uns together w/ diaper bags and such…it was always SUCH a hassle. Well, guess what. They are now 95% potty trained – diaper bags are no more! (We only wear diapers at night) So I don’t go to every playdate, but we get out.
I’ve been stepping away from the computer to hang out with the neighbors. My neighborhood is one I’ve raved about before here, on FB and twitter. It’s great for the kids, and it’s great for adults. I’ve made good friends with my neighbor across the way, and that works for me. Sometimes I spend the whole night away from the computer just chatting with the neighbors.
But I’ve also started to have ME time. Not w/ the kids, not w/ Archie. Just me.
I’ve reconnected with an old friend from high school and once a month we get together to eat, drink, and be drinky…er, merry. It’s been great to find out that even after losing touch a few years ago we still get along good and can talk for hours. One of these months I’ll be abandoning my family for a whole night to stay at her place.
My neighbor that I connected with and I started going to Zumba together (and are now talking about going to a wine tasting together – much yummier than Zumba). It about killed me, but it was fun. It was a six week session and I vowed to not re-sign up for it again. I had a few issues with it (false advertising for one)…and it just wasn’t my favorite. So now, I no longer go to class with her because she signed up for boot camp and I said “Um…NO.” I picked two classes…sooo…
First is Yoga.
I’ve been wanting to take a yoga class for a while. I’ve done a little in my house when we had FitTV, but I’ve wanted to do a full class session.
So on Tuesdays, for an hour and a half I’m in my Yoga class. I had my first session on Tuesday and loved it.
My body is sore, but it was great. The four week session is far too short, and I’m already planning on signing up for the next session once it’s posted.
Then I signed up for Body Sculpt.
I haven’t had my first class yet, and I’m a little scared. They’re calling for 5lb weights, which I have but never used.
I’m looking forward to it. Getting back in shape is something I’ve wanted to do. I’ve bought DVD’s like crazy – but making myself do them doens’t work. With these classes, I pay for them, I’m far more likely to do them.
So for me, I’m still using my computer – but I’m trying to not be so dependent/addicted – but I’m also trying to step out. To get away and back into real life. My girls are older, it’s getting easier – it’s getting harder.
I’m taking time for me. Time away from the stresses of family. Time away from the stress of being attached to the computer. My blogging has suffered, my writing has slowed…but I think in the end it’s better for me. My blogging and writing will improve because of it. Being a shut in doesn’t give you much fodder, after all. Life experience does that 🙂
(I make this post as I plan to sit in front of the computer and pre-write nearly 5 blog posts.)