by Sarah | Nov 30, 2013 | Books, Changing Tracks, WeWriWa, Writing

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!
I’m still keeping you all intrigued with the beginning of the series [amazon_link id=”B00BEMN5SC” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Changing Tracks (The Dominion Falls Series book 1)[/amazon_link]. You know, my amnesiac with the eidetic memory, Jane Doe…and the brothel-owner, anti-hero…Cole Mitchell.
Since everyone enjoyed Cole’s POV last week, I decided to skip ahead a few paragraphs and keep his POV for this week and next. There’s just been an “incident”…an Indian raid on the town, and Cole rushes off to find Jane…:
She stood tall, her arms crossed in front of her chest. The tremor in her hand when she swiped at her cheek was impossible to miss. Hammy’s arm circled her shoulders and she didn’t pull away from the comfort.
In a moment a smile slipped across those lips. Cole would have to give Hammy a few free beers for taking care of his woman so well.
His woman? Where had that come from?
He didn’t want to care, he excelled at not caring; but when he caught the glimmer of a fresh tear, concern poured out of him like beer from the tap.
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by Sarah | Nov 23, 2013 | Books, Changing Tracks, WeWriWa, Writing

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!
I’m still keeping you all intrigued with the beginning of the series [amazon_link id=”B00BEMN5SC” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Changing Tracks (The Dominion Falls Series book 1)[/amazon_link].
I’m diving into Cole’s POV for you. At the moment Jane has been ignoring him for a week because of a conversation she overheard. Her stubbornness wouldn’t let him explain it, and her stubbornness keeps her from speaking to him. At the moment, Cole has spotted her passing by on her way to the library and we see just how much she’s gotten under his skin:
Ever since the first time she’d submitted to his kiss, he’d wanted more. More of her. All of her.
So why hadn’t he taken it? She gave him plenty of opportunities, but he restrained himself. Settling for the incredible passion she laced into every kiss had somehow been enough. The passion that showed she could be the best woman he’d ever had, far from submissive—no, she’d fight for what she wanted.
Yes, he wanted more.
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by Sarah | Nov 16, 2013 | Books, Changing Tracks, WeWriWa, Writing

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!
I’m still keeping you all intrigued with the beginning of the series [amazon_link id=”B00BEMN5SC” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Changing Tracks (The Dominion Falls Series book 1)[/amazon_link].
This week Jane and Cole discuss the favorite filly in Cole’s stable (or rather, the favorite until Jane came along). Daisy Pearson, is known about town as the “doctorin’ whore.”:
“She refuses to talk about what happened before she became a whore, even though I’ve asked her a few times.” A smile tugged at her lips. “I admit I’m more than curious how you managed to get a doctor to agree to be a whore.”
“I got good negotiating skills.”
Cole laughed and nodded. At least she wasn’t so tired that she couldn’t peg him with the truth. “She had nowhere else to turn.”
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by Sarah | Nov 9, 2013 | Books, Changing Tracks, WeWriWa, Writing

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!
I’m still keeping you all intrigued with the beginning of the series [amazon_link id=”B00BEMN5SC” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Changing Tracks (The Dominion Falls Series book 1)[/amazon_link].
This week I’m going a few paragraphs away. Thought a bit of luck, Jane got away from her conversation with the cowboy Johnny, and has returned to her room at the boarding house to try to figure out why it made her so uncomfortable. As luck would have it, Cole’s saloon is directly across the street from the boarding house, so she steps out onto her balcony to seek him out in hopes he can help calm her nerves:
Opening her eyes, she looked down to the saloon in hopes of spotting Cole. Instead her heart twisted to find Johnny staring up at her. She lost control of her limbs. They stumbled back without her order. Spinning, she raced into her room and slammed the door, locking it as well.
She tried to explain away the terror that filled her, but logic gave her nothing. No reason for a stranger to elicit such a reaction. It made no sense.
*No creative editing this week. It just worked. 🙂
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Head back on over to the Weekend Writing Warriors to read many more wonderful offerings!
by Sarah | Nov 2, 2013 | Books, Changing Tracks, WeWriWa, Writing

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!
I’m still keeping you all intrigued with the beginning of the series [amazon_link id=”B00BEMN5SC” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Changing Tracks (The Dominion Falls Series book 1)[/amazon_link].
In this 8, Jane has met a cowboy who calls himself Johnny after literally running into him on the street. After agreeing to an apology cup of coffee, Jane is filled with growing unease. It’s made worse when he suggests some people would want to forget their whole lives as she has:
His hand shot out to grasp hers tight, pulling it closer; dark eyes leveled at hers. “Ain’t everyone led a privileged life. Some wanna escape, prefer to be unknown, free; don’t you think?”
In a flash he grinned again, releasing her hand. She pulled it back to rub the feeling away. “If that’s true, then they’re fools. Having had memories and a life ripped forcibly from me, I can’t imagine entering such a state willingly. Now I must go.”
*Creative editing was used, I admit it…:D
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Head back on over to the Weekend Writing Warriors to read many more wonderful offerings!
by Sarah | Oct 26, 2013 | Books, Publishing Credits, Secret Cravings Publishing, WeWriWa, Writing

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!
I’m still keeping you all intrigued with the beginning of the series [amazon_link id=”B00BEMN5SC” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Changing Tracks (The Dominion Falls Series book 1)[/amazon_link].
I’m continuing directly after last week where Cole admitted to Jane that he didn’t know how to do anything close to a relationship, Jane thinks the conversation is over, but it’s not quite yet:
“Whores are all I know.”
“Somehow I doubt that, but I’ll take it for now.” She tried to step out of his embrace, but he held her firm, “Yes?”
“You’re complicating things.” His voice held a gruff note, “I’m used to simple.”
Jane laughed; it only took a gentle tug to pull herself free and spin around, “I thought you liked a challenge.”
“I thought I did too,” Cole’s lips drew up into a wicked grin, “You and your damn words are making me think I could do without.”
“You’d be so bored.”
*Creative editing was used, I admit it…:D
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