Posts I Love

May 2, 2020 | All of Us, Blogging Life, BlogRollin', Redefining Perfect

Right now, we all need a little happy. A little weird. A little heartfelt sharing.  So many of these things can be found in blog posts around the web.  I’ve gathered a few of my favorites out of the past month-ish. So, without further ado, onto the sharing!


For some practical tips, my friend Cherie provided, as always. She is, after all, the Queen of Free.

First, is some Grocery Store Alternatives for when the shelves are bare and you still need things.

Second, are some great Quick, Easy Household and Baking Substitutions since, you know, we aren’t supposed to go out very often and a ‘quick run’ to the store is frivolous for real.


Next, Casey came back to bat at her fabulous blog Moosh in Indy, with some great tips and links to patterns for the ever important Mask Making in these new and wild times.


My friend Tony, who is ever Geeking in Indiana, came up with a GREAT solution for those of us missing out on conventions, and the sales at those conventions. And online-con. Called the Geeking@Home Con 2020…it’s a great way to find some wonderful geeky things you knew (or never knew) you needed!  Help support some small businesses by clicking over.


Mama Kat boldly posted about the things she’s buying during quarantine.  I’ve definitely been dipping into the online shopping myself and it’s great to see I’m not alone…by any means.


Matt is all of us in his Life in the Fishbowl…never more so than now during quarantine…and even MORE when he expounds on the 25 things he should be doing instead of writing this blog post. I’m with ya Matt…hardcore (even though writing blog posts was on my to-do list for today for reals).


Linda posted about a miniature home she finished during quarantine…that she thought she wouldn’t finish until it was all over. It’s a little bitter, a little sweet, look at what we imagined vs. what is really happening.


And always giving us a little laughter and a lot of creep…is The Bloggess.  Apparently the Yorkshire museum posted about the creepiest item they had, and asked what people had in their homes.  Jenny, as always, took it to the next level…find her twitter thread of creepiness through her blog post The Creepiest Tour of my House.


That’s it for now. I’m keeping my eye out for more.

If you think I missed YOURS, let me know in a comment here!  I’d love to find some new feeds for my reader!







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