The Final Conclusion (For Now)

Sep 12, 2011 | All About Denver, Cystic Fibrosis

[flickr id=”5888954984″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]It’s been a couple of weeks since the appointment I didn’t want to go to. Time to process. Time to settle into acceptance.

Oh yeah, and time to be swamped with school stuff.

Just last night I realized I never told you what was determined. What the “Final” conclusion is.

After the weird.

After the tests.

After more questions.

After nothing.

The pulmonologist said that once the test (that new ‘gold standard’ test) was sent to the official lab to be read by the person that is the know-all and be-all of it, he demanded more data. All of Brandon’s records were sent…and the conclusion THAT person came to was…

Brandon has CF. While his test ‘looked’ normal on the surface, a deeper examination plus looking at his medical records the conclusion is CF.

So our final official diagnosis for Brandon is “Atypical Cystic Fibrosis.”

We have our answer.

No more tests.

No more ‘but’.

Maybe one day it will change in the distant future.  For now, though…for now we move forward with an answer.  With the comfort of the likelihood being that he will not see some of the worst aspects of this disease. That there is a hope that he may never be seriously affected by it.

But there is an answer.

That is so much better than never ending questions.

Plus, the answer took so long in coming that by the time we finally settled into it, Brandon was not a wreck over it. He’d already adjusted to it being a likelihood. He’d done his research and made his peace.

And that is the best part of all.




  1. Rachael

    I’m sorry it turned out this way. BUT I’m glad that you don’t have to wait anymore. Sometimes, that’s so much worse than just knowing.

  2. Rachelle

    thank God you have answers, even if not the most desired results, I am glad that there is peace in knowing. It is so very hard to live in that hazy unknown.

  3. Vanessa

    Well, as Rachelle said, there is definitely peace in knowing and now you can move on from this point. And even better, it sounds like, like you said, he won’t be experiencing the worst of it, so that’s definitely a good thing.


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