The Outlaw Lawman – and the Lawman Outlaw #Giveaway {CLOSED}

May 2, 2013 | Blog Hops, Books, Changing Tracks, Publishing Credits, Secret Cravings Publishing, Writing



For me, there is just something about the lawman that toes the line between good and bad.

He has to be tough enough to put away the ‘bad guys’…but good enough to know right from wrong.  In other words, somewhere deep inside he has to have a conscious, even if it’s well masked.

Sometimes it’s an outlaw that makes a good lawman.

I’ve had a couple favorite sheriff’s in my TV western watching.

The Outlaw Lawman:

On Dr. Quinn…

~waits for the groans to end~

Yes. Dr. Quinn.  The gunslinger Kid Cole became sheriff for an episode.  Even for just one episode, he turned out to be the best Sheriff the town had (sorry, Matthew and Daniel fans…and even I, a Hank-lover have to admit he would have made a horrible sheriff).  I guess Kid Cole won the race because he knew the mind of an outlaw, but he had the temperance of years and the desire to just sit down in a quiet place and watch the roses grow.

The Lawman Outlaw:

Now my other favorite Lawman was Seth Bullock of Deadwood.

Not an outlaw, unless you count a politician as an outlaw ~cough~

Seth was a good man that settled into Deadwood after a bad turn as Sheriff in Helena, Montana.  Through a turn of circumstance, he ended up as sheriff of Deadwood.

Seth toed the line because of his willingness to sometimes overlook the wrong-doings of Al Swearengen for the eventual betterment of the town.

Far and above, though, his ability to overlook some wrong-doings, was Bullock’s temper.  He sure didn’t like being taken advantage of, and he certainly didn’t like being threatened or bribed.  It led to some all out brawls, and him removing his sheriff star once or twice.  He wanted to do good for the town, but sometimes he got in his own way.


ChangingTracks_LRGIn [amazon_link id=”B00BEMN5SC” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Changing Tracks (Dominion Falls Series book 1)[/amazon_link], there are a couple of sheriffs.  Outlaws and cowboys alike, they make their own impact on the town.  Are one of them my favorite kind of sheriff?  Well, you’d have to read it to find out.

And so, for the Cowboys and Lawmen Blog Hop, I’m Giving Away a copy of [amazon_link id=”B00BEMN5SC” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Changing Tracks (Dominion Falls Series Book 1)[/amazon_link].

To enter, just leave a comment and tell me what your favorite sort of lawman is in your westerns?  Do you like the Outlaw Lawman, or the Lawman Outlaw?


There are nearly 50 authors joining in this hop – each sharing why we love Cowboys and Lawmen.  You want a chance to win more than Changing Tracks?  Head on over to Cowboy Charm and follow the linky list!  As you enjoy some awesome blogs and find fantastic books, for every post you comment on with your email address, you will be entered for some amazing prizes.

Grand Prize: At least a $75 Gift Card for Amazon or Barnes and Noble, your choice. The winner will be chosen at random from comments containing email addresses, and will be announced on May 7. This is open to both US and international readers.

Cowboy Charm Blog Hops now has a companion FaceBook Group. If you’d like to join to receive blog hop and prize announcements here’s the link:!/groups/453991144693516/



  1. Tina M

    Love the cover of the book..Thanks for sharing it with all of us!! grandmatinaof2 (at) gmail (dot) com

  2. Tina M

    Forgot to answer your ? Lawman Outlaw!! grandmatinaof2 (at) ymail (dot) com

    • Sarah

      LOL! Well, thanks for answering, Tina!! Good luck this time around 😀

  3. Kathleen O

    I can’t think of any of the top of my head, but I remember when Kid Cole was the Sherriff on Dr. Quinn. Thanks for a great giveaway..

  4. Deb Chudzinski

    There is so much to love about life in the 1800’s west, the men were strong and ruthless, women strong to survive the harsh conditions of the day. It is nice to think that cowboys have a code of conduct and were strongly protective of the little woman who usually managed to help to that end.

  5. bn100

    the outlaw

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  6. JeanMP

    Lawman Outlaw!
    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  7. Janice Hougland

    Good morning, Sarah! So nice “meeting” you on this blog…on the very best blog tour ever! I confess I am a western romance-action-suspense addict and am always trying find new authors in this genre. And if I had to choose to answer your question, I’d choose Outlaw Lawman because he has been redeemed and now lives by “the code,” protecting others rather than violating them. No doubt all lawmen are sexy, but just sexy isn’t enough for me–they gotta be trying to make life better around them, not worse. Thanks for asking and again, glad to “meet” you.

  8. Sherry S.

    I like both but Outlaw Lawman is my favorite.
    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  9. Emmly Jane

    I enjoy a Lawman Outlaw. He tries to do the right think and ends up on the wrong side of right and wrong. Usually, it is a overzealous situation putting him there. Love that!

    ~~Emmly Jane
    ej (at) emmly jane (dot) com

  10. Shadow

    Can i say both? Depending on my mood, i adore them both! Especially since both are so irresistible and alpha! 🙂 Thank you for sharing and being apart of this hop!

  11. JackieW

    I don’t really have a preference as to the lawmen in stories. Most are really good guys and that’s what I like about them.

  12. JOYE

    I prefer the Outlaw Lawmen in my Westerns.


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