Preparing for the Birdies to Fly Away – by author Tina Gayle

Jun 24, 2013 | All of Us, Guest Authors, Guest Post, Random

I’m very happy to have author Tina Gayle here today.  Once again, I’ve had an author deliver a great post that can span both sides of my blog, so it’s posting across the board.  Come see what she has to say about empty nests, how to prepare for them, and learn about her books in The Executive Wives Club series

Every mother faces the day, her children leave the nest. Some are better prepared than other.

If you are a stay at home mom like me, you might not be looking forward to the day when you don’t have daily contact with your children. After all, you have devoted a large portion of your day for a number of years to caring for them.

Years before my child even thought about leaving, I started preparing. Did it make it easier? I can’t say because it was still difficult. Though, I must say I had a number of things to distract me.

So what did I do?

First, I looked around and pick something that interested me. I enjoyed reading romance for years and decided since I had some time in my day to give writing a shot.

While they were away at school, I learned the craft and worked on developing my skill.

As they entered high school, I published and worked on writing more during my free time.

Once they left for college, I found I needed to work on promoting my books which required I learn more about social media sites.

Now, I spend most of my day in front of my computer. Writing, promoting on line, keeping my different sites updated. I sometimes complain that I don’t have enough hours in the day.

Do I have time for my kids?

Always, but I’m working to build my career. Just like they are working to build theirs.

What can you do to prepare for an empty nest?

  • Ask yourself a few questions
    • What are your interest?
    • Do you want to make money?
    • Social sites do they satisfy your need to stay connected?
  • Spend time while you’re children are still at home developing what you want to do later.
    • take classes
    • meet new people in your chosen field. – gardening club, golf group, etc.
  • Let your kids know you have a life too and that it’s not only about them.
    • Your devotion to your goal can help teach them to follow their own dreams.


As you can see it can take years to plan or a few short months. At any point you can prepare for the future and map out a new course of action. Don’t let the empty nest get you down. Look around and find something that can become the hallmark of defining who you are.


CFO'sAffairBlurb for CFO’s Affair

Sylvia Sullivan is emotionally wounded from the unexpected death of her husband and still haunted by their last conversation: his request for a divorce and his confession of love for another woman.  Her husband gone, her only daughter off to college, Sylvia faces the challenges of learning to live alone and move on with her life.

Vince Wilshire, enchanted with Sylvia, is more than willing to do what it takes to capture the heart of the hurting and untrusting Sylvia.

Can he help her forget the past and make her believe in love again?


      A knock sounded on the window beside her and she jumped. Her head swiveled around and she stared at the man looking at her through the window.

Vince Wilshire’s handsome face could make any woman melt with desire. With it so close to hers—the glass being the only thing separating them—a rush of adrenaline swept into her system. She leaned sideways in her seat and knocked her hand against the steering wheel. The horn beeped and she muttered, “Damn it, Knox, why did you…”

The sound of his laughter sent anger flooding through her, the muscles in her arms tightening with the need to strike out. She lowered the phone and clicked the disconnect button in retaliation to his attempt to manipulate her.

Vince opened the driver’s side door and cold air rushed into the car. “Hey, beautiful, are you heading inside?”

“What is this? Are you guys ganging up on me?” Sylvia ignored the man beside her and glanced in the rear view mirror, checking to make sure her tears hadn’t caused any lasting effect.

A warm hand landed on her shoulder and Vince toyed with her hair. “Not at all, I like the idea of entering the building with a gorgeous woman on my arm.”

“Right,” she protested and stuffed her phone into her purse before turning to stare into his bedroom-brown eyes. The spark in their depths had her reevaluating her impression of the man. Yes, he had the face and body to rival every other Casanova in the world, but he also had a sense of humor. That alone sent a shiver of awareness through her.

She fought the desire gathering in her stomach and waved her hand at him so he’d move out of the way, letting her exit the car. “Did Knox make you wait out here in the parking lot to make sure I would come inside?”

Vince grinned and held her door open while she stepped onto the asphalt. His gaze fell to her legs.

She stared at her new, high-heel, red pumps and silently prayed she wouldn’t land face first in the dirt when she tried to walk across the pitted parking lot in them.

A low whistled sounded beside her. “Man, are you ever hot.”

She ignored the comment and didn’t turn until she heard the car door slamming closed. “And there’s not a woman you’ve ever met you haven’t wanted.”


A CFO’s Affair is not available for sale until July 1st, but you can pick up the other two books in the series here:

Marketing Exec’s Widow  (Use Promo Code EP25Q)

IT Exec’s Baby  (Use Promo Code QK33H)

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  1. Misha

    Those are some great tips. Still, I’m quite a while away from actually having kids, let alone let them leave. 😀

    Hopefully writing will help me when the day comes, though.

  2. Tina Gayle

    Thanks, Misha, for commenting. Your right, writing can fill your world at any age.

    Best of luck in the future.



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