Dax Varley, Sleepy Hollow, and a Yummy Top Ten Tuesday

Oct 21, 2013 | Guest Authors, Top Ten Tuesday, Writing

I’ve adored the Legend of Sleepy Hollow since I was a willowy, knobby-kneed third-grader as skinny as Ichabod Crane himself. So it was no surprise that I’d one day write a novel based on that legend.

Over time, there’ve been lots of tellings, retellings, and odd adaptations. One of the best came in 1999 when [amazon_link id=”B00AEBB9V4″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Tim Burton[/amazon_link] released his version, and Ichabod transformed from scarecrow to scrumptious. But could there ever be another Crane as gorgeous as Johnny Depp? Ahem. Turns out, yeah. Fox has gifted us with the new series, “[amazon_link id=”B00F91FQZO” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Sleepy Hollow[/amazon_link].” And it’s so farfetched and implausible, I knew it’d be great fun.

So here are the Top Ten reasons “Sleepy Hollow” makes me lose my head.  

10. Ichabod’s Coat. It’s just old and scrappy enough to be its own character. When they resort to clothing him in modern attire, that coat had better stay!

9. Time Travel. Crane is transported to the 21st century and must learn the ways of technological age. Not so smooth. It’s like teaching your mom how to take a selfie.

8. Tom Mison. Uh…just look at him.

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7. The Apocalypse. The Four Horseman, two witnesses, and seven years to stop it. So we get at least seven seasons, right? The Winchesters and Buffy had their shot. Now the end of days has come to Sleepy Hollow.

6. The Village of Sleepy Hollow- Population 144,000. A place whose apocalyptic population sounds more like a town than a village. But with such a great atmosphere…who’s counting?

5. Lt. Abbie Mills. She’s a woman with authority, a gun, and a “get outta my face” attitude.  Cute and kickass…a winning combination.

4. Terminator-style Headless Horseman. Badass? Yeah. He’s Death himself, as in The Four Horseman. Sure he can slice a head or two with a saber, but give him a semi-automatic and watch out!

3. Ichabod’s Amazing Expressions. The man is displaced in time and his introduction to this new age is one of the most adorable things to grace the small screen. You just want to kiss that boyish face.

2. History and Mystery. Who knew our founding fathers were so cryptic? Okay, Dan Brown and Nicholas Cage, that’s who. But still. This show’s a cocktail of historical twists.

1. Ichabod Crane. A 250-year-old dead guy who can get our tingly parts twitching. He’s wise, witty, sexy and smooth – all why wearing clunky boots and a high collar coat. I’ll take two please.

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SEVERED – A Tale of Sleepy Hollow

By Dax Varley

SEVERED COVER FOR KINDLE| [amazon_link id=”B00EIS9CFO” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Amazon[/amazon_link] |


Katrina’s still haunted by her encounter with the Headless Horseman – the night he beckoned to her. Now he has risen again, slashing heads and terrorizing the quiet countryside.

Her only joy during this dismal darkness comes when Ichabod Crane, a gorgeous young man from Connecticut, moves to Sleepy Hollow and their attraction turns to romance.

When the Horseman marks Ichabod as his next victim, Katrina, despite dangerous efforts to save him, sees no other choice than for them to flee.

But the Horseman awaits. Now it’s up to her to sever  the horror and alter the Legend of Sleepy Hollow.




The Horseman…he is real. He came for me.

I sat, gazing out my chamber window. A ground mist had collected, hovering over the glen. Then I heard him, distant at first, approaching within the fog. His race with the night thundered a rhythm. My heart drummed to each beat.

Within moments, I saw him – a headless outline of black within a gray cloud. As though sensing my eyes upon him, he slowed his phantom steed, circling once. The horse reared, pawing the haze. The Horseman quickly drew his sword and sliced the air.

I dropped down below the windowsill, my breath coming in shallow gasps. Had I doomed myself by daring to peek? I quivered, hugging my knees.

He is not real. He is not real.

Moments passed. Then slowly, I inched to the edge of the sill. Hiding in the shadows, I moved the curtain just a whisper.

The Horseman was still there, but now he’d turned…toward my window. My heart hammered and my blood ran as cold as the Hudson River.

He knows I’m watching.

His hand reached out – beckoning…inviting …bewitching me. A gray breath of evil played upon my neck, and my name wafted through the mist.


I struggled against the force that summoned me, tightening every muscle, every nerve, refusing to move an inch. My body quaked, but I kept my mind as sharp as The Horseman’s blade. I will not come. I will not.

Still he remained. No wind. No stars. Just the ivory fog. And that hand…


When I thought I couldn’t hold back a second more, he spurred his massive steed. And like a midnight blast, he flew, charging across the countryside.

I collapsed, trembling, heaving. Finding strength, I crawled upon my bed. I dared not move. I dared not sleep. I lay within my quilt, knotted in fear.

The Horseman …he is real. He came for me. And I knew not when he’d return.






  1. Carole St-Laurent

    I love Sleepy Hollow! What a great, fun post. Thanks Dax!

    • Dax

      Thanks, Carole! It was fun to write.

  2. Rosi

    I don’t usually watch or read scary stuff, but you make both the show and your book pretty darned irresistible! Thanks for such a fun post.

    • Dax

      Thanks, Rosi!



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