Hump Day Hook 49 – Dark Territory

Oct 22, 2013 | Books, Dark Territory, Hump Day Hook, Secret Cravings Publishing, Writing

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Another week of [amazon_link id=”B00FE1AVOU” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Dark Territory[/amazon_link].

In a flattering turn, I’ve been asked for more books in the series by more than one source. I do have at least two more books plotted out (probably a third, maybe 4th) to continue Jane and Cole’s story…but I haven’t had a chance to finish rewriting them to my liking.

But as I’m working to make more intricate and exciting plots, I’m still bringing you another week or two of Dark Territory. After that I’ll probably start teasing you with either my short story or my Christmas release πŸ˜‰

This week Cole is on a mission to recover the funds Jane hid in another territory, far from the mad-man, long before she lost her memory. In a convoluted plan, he has taken on another identity in order to withdraw what Jane believes is “a few thousand dollars” from the bank, which in 1871 is a ton of money in itself. The plan works, but he’s about to find out Jane was very wrong about something:

Cole gave a short nod, unwilling to give away his rate of tension. Once Louis stepped away from the desk, Cole leaned forward more to look in the folder. For a long minute he studied the initial signature for the account, relieved to see it was something he could easily copy.

He gave a quick glance to the number written at the bottom of the top sheet. His body went numb, and he slid back in his chair. Nerves threatened to bring back favorite habits, but he sat still. His jaw clenched tight, he stared at the desk before him. It was far easier than thinking too hard about the number he’d seen, $15,973.89.


Did you like this sample? Β You can pick up the whole series now!!

Changing Tracks



Dark Territory


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  1. Jessica E. Subject

    I’m curious as to the significance of that number. Great hook! πŸ™‚

    • Sarah

      Thanks, Jessica! It’s definitely a huge amount of money for the time period…will it be used for good or evil…well, we’ll see πŸ˜‰

    • Sarah

      Aw, shucks, Lacie…you’re so sweet! I love yours, too πŸ˜€

  2. Kerrianne Coombes

    Thats a BIG number!!!

    • Sarah

      It really is! And to think, he was nervous over just “a few thousand”…for it to be that much, he might just be having a minor panic attack…and about to get DRUNK. lol.

  3. Paloma Beck

    Definitely got me hooked… wonder what he’d do with all that money.

    • Sarah

      Hehe…is it his to do what he wants? Does he even care, or does he do the right thing with it? Hmmm. πŸ˜‰

  4. Cathy Brockman

    I hope its not bad news thats a big number im looking forward ot ths series.I have the first on my tbr list!

    • Sarah

      I can’t wait to see what you think! Cole and Jane, flawed as they are, can be tough to love sometimes…but they are so marvelous together. πŸ˜€

  5. Sydney Logan

    First of all, what a gorgeous cover! Now that I’ve read the hook, I’m definitely adding this to my TBR. Thanks for sharing!

    • Sarah

      Thank you so much, Sydney. I love all three covers, but I have to admit this one is definitely my favorite. The colors and final product make me very happy.

      I hope you do add the series to your TBR! It’s my baby and I’m plotting books 4-6 now. πŸ˜€

  6. Sabrina Devonshire

    There’s a lot more money there than they thought! I’m very intrigued πŸ™‚

    • Sarah

      Definitely a lot more money! Why – and what will be done with it? Well, you’ll have to read to find out. πŸ™‚

  7. Stevie Carroll

    That’s a hughe amount of money for back then. I’m even more intrigued now.

  8. Linda Hamonou

    That’s a lot of money. I wonder how she got it.



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