by Sarah | Jul 21, 2021 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Book Reviews, I'm A Reader, Redefining Perfect, Wordy Wednesday
I thought about doing one book per recommendation post – but then changed my mind.
I’m going to recommend One, one, and one every month. The genres may change, but it lends some variety.
This week we’re going to look at 3 books that I recommend for beach reads. One YA, One Mystery, One Romance.
I literally read 1/3 of this as a beach read. I blazed through a hundred pages it in a couple of hours, sitting next to my mom. Enjoying the sun, listening to the waves, and getting lost in the world of Snow’s asylum.
The story is a light and easy read, while simultaneously has depth and darkness to keep it intriguing.
A definite recommend from me. I can’t wait to finish it. (this month, come hell or high water)

It’s not often that a mystery keeps me truly guessing until very close to the end. This one managed to do it.
The twist in this mystery is it’s told in reverse…so you think you know exactly where it’s going. You don’t.
It’s a quick read, and keeps you interested until the very end. The characters are engaging and deeply flawed.
Okay, I heard about this one LONG before I ever read it. Not sure what took me so long, but it’s a great, fun read.
Perfect for the beach, this spicy, sexy read will keep you interested…and LAUGHING. The humor is spot on.
And at least the sun will rose your cheeks to keep your blush hidden.
Those are my recommendations for this month! Hope you enjoyed.
What are some of your favorite books? I love adding to my TBR.
by Sarah | Apr 17, 2019 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Book Reviews, I'm A Reader, Redefining Perfect, Wordy Wednesday
I thought about doing one book per recommendation post – but then changed my mind.
I’m going to recommend One, one, and one every month. The genres may change, but it lends some variety.
This week we’re going to look at Series that I recommend. One YA, One Graphic Novel, One Romance.
Oh, don’t look so surprised…or are you looking annoyed?
Either way – stop.
Call it the gateway drug, call it what you want, but I’ve read it like 7 times, which is still not as many as the Little House books, but it’s a lot for someone that never re-reads books. Like, ever.
I was late to this party. Seriously. I’d heard plenty about it, even given book one to my son in a desperate attempt to get him interested in reading (it didn’t work, FWIW). However, I never picked them up. That long-mentioned tendency toward not liking things that are immensely popular.
Then, we got free tickets for a pre-screening of The Goblet of Fire in the theaters. Arguably, not the best book or movie, BUT it was my introduction into the series and it excited hubby and I both enough to leave the theater saying “We have GOT to read these books…”
And so we did.
Unfortunately, only 5 books were out at the time. While I breezed through and loved the first four books, I hit a road block. It took me almost a year to read that super-depressing Order of the Phoenix, and then book 6 was out, but then I had to wait a year for book 7…and by then I’d forgotten many of the characters and it lost all magic.
Several years later, though…that’s when I had some time to sit down and read them all in order without stopping. It took 2 weeks but I finally “got” it.
That’s a long way of saying I can’t recommend them enough. It’s a magical world you never want to end. While people scrambling for more has led to some intriguing theories, and stories, it’s also led to some questionable ones.
But the initial 7. They are classic. The time and effort spent building the world, the magic, everything. I will forever read and re-read these books in both print and audio form. They hold all my love and the love of so many others. If you haven’t read them, give them a shot. They may not be your cup of tea, and that’s okay…but at least you tried.

Okay, there are 8 books in this series currently, despite only having 4 pictured.
This is a series that both my girls and I devoured like it was water and we were stranded in the desert.
There are many things to enjoy about the series. The story itself is riddled with magic, technology, mystery and some fun characters along for the ride with out heroine, Emily.
It’s definitely a fun series both kids and adults can enjoy. I highly recommend it for your kids – and for you.
Okay, to be honest I personally only REALLY enjoyed half of these. However, that was personal preference based on the story type more than anything.
The series as a whole is great. Each book is written by a different author for a different season. Each book takes the Beauty and the Beast story and revises it in a modern take using various paranormal tropes from shifters to monsters to plain old magic.
I really enjoyed the modern, paranormal take on the classic story. The series really brought to light how four different authors can take the same base story and put their own, unique spin on it.
side note: These are labeled erotic, and they each definitely have some racy scenes in them. It’s well worth it for the fun ride, though. Trust me. 😉
Those are my recommendations for this month! Hope you enjoyed.
What are some of your favorite books? I love adding to my TBR.
by Sarah | Mar 20, 2019 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, I'm A Writer, Redefining Perfect, Wordy Wednesday
I’ve officially been an author for about 6 years now. Been writing as a life choice for probably 10.
I thought I’d share a helpful (or not) list of what it takes to be an author.
It’s simple, really. Or not.
1. Go to school and take a creative writing class.
2. Start from scratch and learn as you go through blogs, books, and tips on how to craft.
3. Take a Course from a successful author with lessons on writing, advertising, blog building, and more (I can even tell you where to find one)
4. Do none of those things, or all. It really doesn’t matter how to learn, as long as you learn.
5. Know that no one is ever done learning (this applies to everything)
6. Sink hundreds of dollars into a cover artist.
7. Buy a lesser expensive premade cover from a site.
8. Spend thousands on a top of the line editor.
9. Do your research, ask around, and find someone that will do it for less.
10. Spend hundreds on advertising before, during, and after release.
11. Spend less than $100 on advertising.
12. Spend less than $50 on advertising.
13. Spend nothing, and rely on word of mouth.
14. Before you’ve even published a book, get a street team and start generating buzz.
15. Wait until 1,2,5,10 years into your career and realize you’ve been missing out on some valuable resources and start implementing them.
16. Plot every single detail of your novel.
17. Write by the seat of your pants.
18. Get to know your characters with in depth interviews and regular check-in conversations.
19. Let those damn characters run amok and throw you for a loop on a regular basis.
20. Follow every writing rule to a T.
21. Throw those damn rules out the window, some of the best authors in the world do.
22. There is no rulebook. This list is a fallacy for no matter what you do, someone will ALWAYS tell you you’re wrong.
There is really only ONE True Rule.
by Sarah | Feb 20, 2019 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Book Reviews, I'm A Reader, Redefining Perfect, Wordy Wednesday
I thought about doing one book per recommendation post – but then changed my mind.
I’m going to recommend One, one, and one every month. The genres may change, but it lends some variety.
This week we’re going to look at Audiobook, One Memoir, and One Historical Fiction.
[easyazon_link identifier=”0449807894″ locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]World War Z[/easyazon_link]
Before 2017 I had never read an audiobook. It wasn’t any judgment on those that do, or any thoughts of them being lesser…it was just a belief that it wasn’t for me. I had always been a strong reader, so I thought nothing of reading an audiobook.
In 2017 I really challenged myself to try all sorts of new genres and audiobooks was one of them.
I think I picked both the very BEST and very WORST book to read first via audiobook….because NOTHING has been able to compare since.
World War Z is a full cast recording of this popular novel…and as the novel is truly titled “An Oral History of the Zombie War”, it really, truly, does read better in an oral format.
The cast is littered with names so familiar to this geek. Names like Mark Hammill, Nathan Fillion, Jeri Ryan, Simon Pegg, David Ogden Stiers, Alan Alda, Denise Crosby, Bruce Boxleitner, Rob Reiner, and Rene Aberjunois.
It’s a geek-gasm in every way.
No, seriously. If you’re on the fence about audiobooks, this is an AMAZING one to start with. Don’t let the word “Zombie” scare you off if you don’t like horror…because this book is NOT that. The zombies really hardly factor in to the actual story – which is more about the politics and human condition. It’s got so much depth, and the actors are top notch, even if you are only hearing their voices.
I swear, listening to this is like what our grandparents probably felt like when they were listening to the radio for entertainment. It’s got everything.
[easyazon_link identifier=”0596806310″ locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]Just a Geek[/easyazon_link]
Honestly, I listened to this as an audiobook, too…but I don’t want to put this under audiobooks because I truly believe it works well in written form as well…it’s just a really good memoir if you’re a geek.
I mean, I’m such a geek.
And, really…it was Wil Wheaton that started me on my geekdom path…because the ONLY reason I started watching Star Trek: The Next Generation was because I happened to spot him when I was channel surfing and stopped…then dug out the TV guide to find out what was on, and then find out when I could watch it again.
But I digress here…the book. The memoir.
Whether you loved or hated him on TNG, you can bet that Wil had a rough go of being pegged in that role. His rebellion against it and his ensuing search for himself only to find himself right where he never knew he belonged is such an interesting read.
It was both enlightening and rough to read about…and I really liked seeing more about the geek that led me to my own geekdom.
It’s a good read all around, and an interesting look into the life of a child star that didn’t go off the deep end forever.
[easyazon_link identifier=”0062685341″ locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]Caroline[/easyazon_link]
Oh me oh my, I was SUCH a big fan of the Little House books growing up. I read them 18 times between the ages of 4 (yes, 4) until I was 18. I lived and breathed Laura Ingalls. I knew the books backward and forward.
So when I saw this book, I knew I had to get it.
Set during the book Little House on the Prairie when the Ingalls leave the Big Woods to head to Kansas…this book is told with a bit of a nod to the original (fictional) books written by Laura, and with a fair amount of research to add facts that a book from a child’s perspective cannot express.
That being said there were moments where I had to remind myself this book is from Caroline’s perspective and I’m an adult now because there is intimacy and affection between Caroline and Charles…formerly known as Ma and Pa…which left me feeling awkward at first…but they are written so beautifully, I can’t even express.
The whole story is written with a stunning, lyrical prose that draws you in and paints a picture of beauty, hardship, and family in a way that only enhances the original book in ways you’d not expect.
I truly hope Miller writes more, because I really loved reading this story through the eyes of our beloved Ma Ingalls.
Those are my recommendations for this month! Hope you enjoyed.
What are some of your favorite books? I love adding to my TBR.
by Sarah | Jan 23, 2019 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Book Reviews, I'm A Reader, Redefining Perfect, Wordy Wednesday
I thought about doing one book per recommendation post – but then changed my mind.
I’m going to recommend One, one, and one every month. The genres may change, but it lends some variety.
This week we’re going to look at One Poetry/YA, One Non-fiction, and One Graphic Novel.
All of these I read in my year of big reading, 2017, and they still stick out to me as books I’d recommend.
[easyazon_link identifier=”0062118765″ locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]One by Sarah Crossan[/easyazon_link]
This is a young adult book, but it’s so wonderfully unique. A story told through poetry that captures your heart with it’s lyrical words and deeply real characters even in their almost surreal existence.
Grace and Tippi are conjoined twins who have lived their whole lives as one. Now sixteen years old, they’ve defied odds and formed a bond like no other.
A health scare makes them make the most difficult choice of their lives…and it will change everything.
I was in tears at the end of this one.
I read it because I had a challenge to read a book of poetry – and I’m so glad I did. This was a beautiful story and I’d recommend it to anyone.
[easyazon_link identifier=”1594634726″ locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert[/easyazon_link]
Yes, this is written by the lady that wrote Eat, Pray, Love.
Once again, I started reading this because of those challenges I set for myself in 2017 to read things outside of my comfort zone…including Non-fiction, which I’d always tried, and failed, to read.
This had also been plastered all over my social media feed read with glowing reviews. Once I started reading, I found out why.
This book spoke to me deeply on many layers. I’d had a rough year in 2016 that left me not writing at all. Years of being in the industry left me with big doubts and second-guessing myself with every word I wrote.
This frank exploration of the fears we face in any creative endeavor shook loose many of my cobwebs and helped get me writing again. I’m about to re-read it because I feel the need for another push.
I recommend it to anyone that wants to live creatively (and I don’t mean with the arts…I mean with LIFE)
[easyazon_link identifier=”1442465964″ locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]Through the Woods by Emily Carroll[/easyazon_link]
This is a spine-tinglingly fun graphic novel that tells five different creepy fairy-tale sort of stories.
The artwork makes bold plays between stark black/white then great swaths of color to achieve emotional impact.
This was one of my first graphic novels, and the creepy tales were right up my alley, without being too horrifying.
It’s a fun little read that gives you some feel for the way fairy tales were before we softened them up.
Those are my recommendations for this month! Hope you enjoyed.
What are some of your favorite books? I love adding to my TBR.
by Sarah | Apr 4, 2018 | All About Me, Blogging Life, Books, Changing Tracks, Escaping Humanity, General, Holiday, I'm A Writer, Masked Hearts, Publishing Credits, Redefining Perfect, Secret Cravings Publishing, The Tribe, Wordy Wednesday, Writing
On February 8, 2013 my very first novel was published.
At the time I was contracted with the fabulous small publishing company, Secret Cravings Publishing. Very excited, and a very unseasoned author.
Thankfully, through SCP I had some great mentors, supporters, and fellow authors braving the waters.
The past 5 years have been a whirlwind of ups and downs. I spent time writing thousands upon thousands of words, and spent months upon months unable to write a word. I’ve had months with sales beyond belief and months where I didn’t sell a single book. I branched out into self-publishing with a few small gambits, but then my publisher closed their doors and I had to dive in full-force.
Some days it’s truly hard to believe that it’s been five years. How much my life has changed. How much my goals have changed. How much I’ve first lost, and then re-found my love for this world.
These days I’m keeping crazy-busy in my personal life, but also in writing. I pulled all 6 of my original Dominion Falls Series books, the first books I published, last year. I’ve revised, revamped, and added words to the books. Now I’m re-publishing them. Getting back to my roots, and sending these books back out into the world, with a new little novella added on for good measure.
The next book in The Tribe series, which will be book 5 “The Child” is written and with the editor, due for release in July.
My best friend & co-author, Mary Terrani, and I finally released our book to the world, Escaping Humanity (The Exceptionals 1). We are in the middle of book 2, looking forward to a release at the end of the year, first of next. We’re also working with a fabulous artist to turn the book into a graphic novel.
I’m working to try to create a new cover for Masked Hearts so that I can re-release it in September.
I have notebooks with plans for new books, new series, more books in my existing series.
I went to my first conference as a signing author recently, and did well, and had so much fun.
I’m excited to continue doing what I love, and bring more stories into the world. I’ve had to revamp my views on my publishing career, what I want to do, and where I want to go with it. I’d become too sensitive to the numbers and to the “you should” and “you shouldn’t” voices and lost my way.
I feel good coming home to my characters again. I hope you’ll come on in and pull up an armchair, grab a book and join me. Get lost in one of my worlds for a while. They are fun, dangerous, mysterious, romantic, sweet, and spicy. You’ll be able to find something for your personal taste with me.