by Sarah | Nov 11, 2008 | Crap
I haven’t the energy to post more than to let you know that I’ll continue to be MIA for today and possibly tomorrow. I’ve got fluish symptoms, plus massive sinus pressure. I’m better today then yesterday, at the moment…but I predict a turn for the worse later…It sems to be coming in waves of achiness and pain. I’ll be back once I feel like my brain is semi functioning.
by Sarah | Nov 8, 2008 | All About Molly, Autism, Crap
“Well what does she have?”
“Oh, she does NOT! I’ve SEEN autism, and that isn’t it.”
This conversation happened on my trip home. It was my grandmother, whom I adore dearly and I hold no ill will toward her for it…but it reminded me of the times the conversation has happened in other situations.
When being told of her diagnosis after 2 years of searching and waiting her (special needs) teacher said, “Really? Well, I’m surprised by that.” Other people look at her and then at me with the huge look of doubt and you can practically hear their thoughts – She looks fine to me.
It takes all of my effort to smile and nod and move on into different conversations. I have to remind myself that these people don’t see her day in and day out. They don’t see her meltdowns (she saves those for us), they don’t see the way disruption in her routine makes things wonky, they don’t see her when she gets off the bus after school so exhausted from working at her therapies in class that she crashes on the couch for two hours.
They see a girl without the typical red flags, that makes eye contact, that smiles (at us) and hides from strangers, that talks and laughs once she’s familiar with the situation.
They expect what the propoganda shows, children ‘locked within themselves’. They expect behaviors and habits they see on news reports and fundraising sites. They expect an autistic version of ‘normal’.
They don’t know the years of therapy she’s been to help her become verbal. They haven’t watched her for 4 years like us, like her doctors. They don’t know that just 6 months ago she COULDN’T express her needs and wants. That six months ago the only calming activity when she got overstimulated was DPPT. That she does have moments where she fits into what they expect to see.
And I am grateful that they can see the child they do now. Thankful for Early Intervention, thankful for Developmental Preschool – that those two services have helped her become what she is today…and I am frustrated that people can’t see beyond the stereotype, that they don’t see that the spectrum is wide, and we happen to be on the higher-functioning end.
Look beyond the label, look beyond the stereotype…see the child and accept her for what she is. And if you’re going to take the time to ask the question, take the time to see the years it may have taken to reach that diagnosis…to see the months of therapy and what they’ve done to help the child…not look and judge because it’s not ‘typical’.
by Sarah | Sep 25, 2008 | All About Denver, All About Erik, All About Kennedy, All About Marriage, All About Me, All About Molly, Crap
Did you know…
~ That having truncal hypotonia and a daredevil are a VERY bad combination?
~ The the above mentioned combination can lead to a face plant from the height of the back of a couch resulting in an unexpected $60 trip to the dentist for X-rays?
~ That a fasting glucose level of 160 is BAD?
~ That such a fasting glucose level can cause grown men to be diagnosed with diabetes?
~ That being diagnosed with high cholesterol AND diabetes in the same week can lead to an ultra-restrictive and ultra SUCKY diet?
~ That mastering such a diet is TOUGH?Â
~ And have I mentioned that it SUCKS?
~ That I have soooo many things that occurred during blog closing/deletion that I can’t seem to compose one REAL post out of the mess?
~ That this is a thinly disguised bullet list?
~ That Riley has become an abusive big sister that likes to hit her sister on regular occassions?
~ That Brandon has started going to Wednesday night bible school…with the neighbors…NOT us…and that I (as a non-christian) am not sure how to feel about that?
~ That I feel hypocritical for saying that because I believe that my children should be able to make their own choices in life and religion?
~ That sometimes not even the internet can help you locate an old friend?
~ That I am TOTALLY obsessed with True Blood (and the Sookie Stackhouse book series)?!
~ That I was SO obsessed with it, that I switched to DirecTV because it was the cheapest way to get HBO?
~ That I was SOOO obsessed with the books that I got Archie reading them?
~ That having a book discussion with a spouse of the opposite sex (which mine happens to be) brings about points (and viewpoints)Â that you seriously never considered, and might not understand?
~ That I could go on for another fifty points, but I don’t want to annoy you so soon back into re-posting?
by Sarah | Dec 12, 2007 | CF, Crap
You know ladies and gents…I’ve thought about it…but I just cannot be silent for a full day most of the time. If I HAD to be silent on a day I know it jsut wouldn’t happen *giggle* So I doubt I will ever be participating in Wordless Wednesday.
But I DID get a fun picture for this weeks upcoming Picture Hunt. So I may start doing that in time for the new year. I keep meaning to better my picture taking (I’m hoping for a fancy schmancy digital next year, our current one sucks monkey butt)…so that gives me an excuse and a challenge 😀
CF Clinic was today. K was a total witch again. Throwing herself down on the floor (which, by the way, is 3 feet of concrete with a pretty layer of tile on it…how can that NOT hurt??)…throwing a huge fit pretty much 98% of the time we were there. Dr. was a doll…I just adore her…she called me insane for backing 5 different types of cookies (I didn’t tell her I was planning on making a second round of 4 of those types).
Umm…oh yes. Car worked like a dream. Like there was absolutely nothing wrong with it ever. We’re thinking the fuel got frozen in the line or something…I hadn’t run it in about 36 hours….and it gets COLD at night here!!
by Sarah | Dec 11, 2007 | Crap
Our car went BOOM.
Our ONLY car went boom.
Our only car to pick up daddy in tomorrow went boom.
Our only car to take Molly to preschool and pick up daddy in went boom.
Our only car to take Molly to preschool, K to her CF Clinic, and pick daddy up tomorrow went boom.
Have I said…