Breaking the law…

Judas Priest reference…yeah. Good way to start your day *lol*

I’m not…technically…breaking the law. I’m taking Molly to preschool today!

No, it hasn’t been 24 hours since that nasty little 102.5 temp she had last night…BUT…she has nothing today. She’s still a little stuffy…but nowhere near as bad as she has been for the past week. She’s a little crabby…but…

Honestly, not sure if I’m doing it for her, or me…but I think she really needs to go today. She missed one day last week and I don’t want her to get out of the habit of being comfortable at school.

Plus…it gives me a couple hours. Is that a bad reason?

Still…again…not sure which

Molly has a fever. When I first took it, it was 102 by ear. I gave her motrin and it went UP to 102.5. I’m monitering it, knowing that fevers always peak at night, but if she’s still high tomorrow we’re goign to the peds. She did just get a flu shot on Friday. *sigh* Looks like we’re missing another day of preschool.

So, of course, by default we have to monitor K closely too…because if she develops a fever we have to have to call the pulm. Oy.

The Plunger Debate

This occured yesterday…

DH: *taking mitt out of trash* Why is this here?

Me: It was on the plunger.

DH: We can clean it up, sani-

Me: It was on the PLUNGER. You know, the poop-sucker?

DH: You have cleaned up poop and vomit and all sorts of things…can’t we..

Me: It’s an exfoliating mitt…it’s been on poop-encrusted rubber poop sucker….No, it stays in the trash.


I’m sorry. I’ll clean poopy diapers. I’ll clean vomit. But I will not exfoliate my skin with something that has been sitting on a plunger. I must draw the line somewhere…right?

Picking Myself Up…

In case you couldn’t tell (from my posts on all 3 blogs), I was pretty miserable and peeved off yesterday. Among other things it was time to change my estrogen patch…and it’s my last week (yup, Jess…that time)…and I was just in a cruddy mood . I thought my cold was going away, but I’m still running. I shouldn’t be surprised by that, Molly is still running, too. Onto kiddo stuffs…


K is about to drive us completely batty! She had a sleep study done way back in April, and was found to have “minor” sleep apnea. They told DH that her disturbances were about once an hour and not enough to mean much.

The child doesn’t sleep. She acts tired ALL the time, but I put her down for a nap and she sleeps for, at most, 45 minutes. Heaven forbid I change the laundry during nap time (in our teeny house, the laundry is right outside the bedrooms), she wakes up immediately and starts shrieking, whether her sister is done napping or not!

At night we have a little better luck. She stays up playing forever (so does her sis) before finally falling asleep, but then she wakes up. It could be 11PM, it could be 1AM, or even 3AM…but she gets up…and shakes.her.bed. Now, admittedly, she’s still in a pack and play…but in our defense we thought Molly could be managably put into a big girl bed at 18 mos (Denver was!)…but then we realized that would never happen…so K is still in a toddler bed.

Soooo…K shakes her crib. And shakes. And shakes. And with every rock of the bed comes a THUMP. THUMP. THUMP. THUMPTHUMPTHUMP.

We’re losing our heads…she’s NOT sleeping! I’m going to bring it up to the pulmonologist…but I don’t know what to do! Well, besides getting her out of the pack and play…but that also involves the monstrous task of getting her sis into a big girl bed!!!

I hate weekends…

I know, I used to love them once upon a time. Now I hate them. DH is home all day, I have the girls to deal with, and DS is not in school. My BFF is never online to play, and I get totally overwhelmed with house, and family…and there is no escape (It’s hard to come up with things to do that are FREE…and since we have no money, free is all we can do).

This weekend we add on one sick hubby and two girls still recovering from sicky…not to mention that I still feel like crap (today is the best I’ve felt all week).

Ten things…

After being in this for only a year, (though it seems so much longer) I have a list of things I know that I shouldn’t. My therapists and doctor’s have always loved that I educate myself…so it’s not a problem that I do know them…but I still shouldn’t…

1. Tongue lateralization – what it is and how good my daughter’s is.
2. Wilbarger Deep Pressure and Proprioceptive Technique (DPPT) – again, what it is and how best to use it.
3. How to check my child’s muscle tone, determine if it’s improving.
4. Thirty-plus words in sign (granted, I knew them before because my cousin has Down’s…but I have no ‘practical’ need for them in every day life until Molly)
5. Oral Motor Exercises – Not just for toddlers (which is tricky)! I know it for an older child as well (because I needed it!!).
6. That the average toddler requires 1300 calories a day. Molly requires about 50% more to keep her at a steady growth (about 1900), and K needs twice that (about 2600).
7. The difference between receptive and expressive communication. How well each of my girls use both and where they are lacking.
8. How to do speech therapy with the girls. How to perform regular ‘fun’ exercises to increase vocabulary both receptively and expressively.
9. The amount of calories and fat in many foods I never knew before. How to properly read a nutrition label.
10. How to adjust some therapeutic toys and tools so they are cheaper and home made.