Be a Dyngus

[flickr id=”7084174865″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”] We bring out the pussy willows.

They don’t understand.

An ancient tradition to be sure, but it always brings a second glance. Begs explanation.

We bring forth the water (and water guns). We drink, we splash, we laugh.

They still don’t understand.

We drink Bloody Mary’s and eat Platzek for breakfast. Kielbasa for lunch. Galumpki’s for dinner (with copious amounts of beer, of course).

They still don’t understand – but they sure don’t care anymore.

We dance the polka from morning til night.

We observe the grandest Dyngus Day in years. Without the bitter temps to try to douse our fun – the city is more alive than ever.

The Buffalo Polish – we know how to party.


I’m back in the Trifecta Writing Challenge .  Where we are supposed to submit a piece of writing between 33 and 333 words using the third definition of the chosen word.  The word this week was “observe”.  Considering Dyngus Day just happened last week (and I had to miss it) I thought I would celebrate by-proxy.

ob·serve verb \əb-ˈzərv\

1: to conform one’s action or practice to (as a law, rite, or condition) : comply with

2: to inspect or take note of as an augury, omen, or presage
3: to celebrate or solemnize (as a ceremony or festival) in a customary or accepted way


The phone rang at 4am.

Horror, fear, anticipation, glee.

What would it grant me?

“Hello, this is – Peggy. This is not a sales call.”

Air horn my friend.

Blast out their eardrums.



I’m back in the Trifecta Writing Challenge .  Once again it’s the weekend challenge – the “Trifextra” if you will.

This weekend’s challenge is:

Complete the following story in exactly 33 words:

The phone rang at 4am.

And so I did.  Hopefully You enjoy it.



Send in the Clone

There it was.

No. There he was. The product of her labors, if not her labor. Created out of very little. Grown by technology and not her womb.

Yet he was the image of her own natural born son. The image of her husband. The differences were below the surface, DNA, invisible to the naked eye. All of it made him –

“Perfect.” The Raven dipped his head in a respectful bow. As he did she could see how many of his jet black feathers were now white. His body was fading and soon it would be time to complete the transfer.

The transfer was something she had no control over. It would all be up to the large Avian creature before her. Her part of the task was complete. “Thank you. Will you be the same?”

“No need to worry, young one. This will change everything. The memories will be blurry, the personality will change.”

“You think. You don’t know.” Velli’s brow furrowed, “This has never been done before. You don’t even know if it will work, do you?”

“Why are you asking questions you know the answer to? Is there a purpose in delaying the inevitable?” The bird hopped off his perch. Talons clicked along the metal and glass, until he paused over the head of the young man inside.

Right before her eyes several more feathers turned white. All she could do was look away. It was too difficult to watch.

“I thought you didn’t fear death. Besides, you don’t like me much as I recall.”

“Sue me. I have a weak spot for jackasses.” Velli smiled despite her concern, “Be done with it before you run out of power.”

“Farewell, Nirvelli.” That was the only warning before a flash of light filled the room. The buzz of magic was strong enough to rattle her teeth.

Then silence.

With a click the unit opened. “Hello, Mother.”

Velli moved forward, touching his cheeks as life filled them with color. “Hello.”




Another  Trifecta Writing Challenge !!  As soon as I saw the word and coinciding definition for the week I knew what to write.  This is an excerpt from The Raven…my current WIP that is book 4 in a series.  I was pleased to have this little flash in the pan come out to exactly 333 words 😀  I am OCD in my challenges – I like them to be exact like that 😉

The Word is IMAGE 

The meaning:

a : exact likeness : semblance <God created man in his own image — Genesis 1:27 (Revised Standard Version)>

b : a person strikingly like another person <she is the image of her mother>

Picture Source

Love Story in Snippets

I want him.

I love him.

How dare he!

I miss him.

I love him.

Yes I will!

I do forever.

No time alone –

Kids, home, life.

I miss him.

I’m joining him.


I have been planning on joining the Trifecta Writing Challenge for a few weeks, but it just hasn’t happened. I’ve been busy in real life and to be honest I haven’t been writing much.  So today as I saw the “Trifextra” challenge (they just upgraded to 2 challenges/wk. A long one on Monday and a quick one on Friday) I was struck with the creative bug.  The challenge was simple and difficult “Write a love story in 33 words.”

And so I did.  Hopefully You enjoy it.